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MVC Welcomes Its Newest Senior Analyst, Steven Ellinger

MVC Welcomes Its Newest Senior Analyst, Steven Ellinger

I’m ecstatic to join the MVC team as a senior analyst and bring my passion for healthcare analytics to the table! I am joining the team with over a decade of experience in healthcare analytics, pricing adjudication, reimbursement analysis, and provider network management. I’ve spearheaded projects to optimize network-level claims reporting and streamline data processes in every role. My background in economics and finance from Western Michigan University has helped me develop a strong analytical mindset, which I’ve applied in roles at Michigan Medicine-Sparrow, IBM Watson Health, McLaren Health Plan, and beyond. Healthcare large data manipulation is a passion of mine and you’ll see me smile each time a question is asked, as I am eager to find the answer.

Prior to joining the MVC team, I enjoyed five years as a pricing analyst at University of Michigan Health Plan (formerly Physicians Health Plan). I was responsible for establishing and maintaining provider fee schedules, ensuring competitive and compliant compensation across a vast provider and facility network. My expertise in SQL, Microsoft Excel, claims processing, and financial reporting have been instrumental in automating adjudication processes and enhancing financial forecasting. I also worked closely with provider relations, contract negotiations, and system configuration, making data-driven decisions to enhance efficiency.

Outside of work, my two kids under five keep me very busy with not a lot of free time. When I do find that time, I love staying active—backpacking, running marathons, and formerly teaching swing dancing. You will find me every year at the Indycar Detroit Grand Prix, at the paddock, pit line, or at the box suites, wishing the race was back at Belle Isle. I am thrilled to be on board and look forward to working with MVC’s members to make an impact on healthcare.

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MVC’s Updated Common Conditions Report Now Available to Hospital Members

MVC’s Updated Common Conditions Report Now Available to Hospital Members

On Monday, the Coordinating Center distributed a refreshed version of MVC’s common conditions report. This report delivers a comprehensive analysis of care episodes for eight prevalent medical and surgical conditions, frequently targeted for quality improvement initiatives within MVC hospitals. It assesses hospital performance and highlights potential areas for growth. The report’s current conditions include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), colectomy (non-cancer), congestive heart failure (CHF), total knee and hip (joint) replacement, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), pneumonia, and sepsis. Notably, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and spine surgery, which were previously included, have been replaced by two new conditions, PCI and sepsis, in the latest report.

MVC generated reports for 96 eligible hospitals. General acute care hospital and Critical Access Hospital (CAH) members received tailored versions of the report, which included benchmark data specific to their respective hospital categories and tailored comparison groups.

Although the provided metrics vary by condition and case count, report pages generally focus on 30-day total episode payments, post-acute care and post-discharge ED utilization, readmission rates, and common reasons for readmissions. MVC price standardizes total episode payments to Medicare FFS amounts so that comparisons can be made across hospitals over time. Payments are risk-adjusted for patient age, gender, payer, comorbidities, and high or low prior healthcare utilization/payments.

The report has been updated to feature recent data covering the period of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2023, for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) / Blue Care Network (BCN) Commercial, BCBSM/BCN Medicare Advantage (MA), and Michigan Medicaid; Medicare FFS data covers the period of January 1, 2022, through November 30, 2022.

Upon opening the latest report, MVC members will find the integration of a “Common Conditions and Procedures Report”, which consolidates the patient population data for all conditions at each hospital, facilitating a more comprehensive and effective comparison.

Additionally, each page now features a figure displaying the breakdown of 30-day risk-adjusted, price-standardized post-acute care payments by new payer categories (See Figure 1). The new categories include BCBSM/BCN Commercial, BCBSM/BCN Medicare Advantage, Medicare Only, Medicaid Only, and Dual Eligible. With the addition of the “Dual-Eligible” category, it should be emphasized that dual-eligible patients have been reclassified as such and are now exclusively represented within this new category and no longer represented in the separate Medicare and Medicaid categories.

Figure 1.

Beyond offering insights into payments by payer and post-acute care categories, this figure gains significant value when analyzed alongside the new graphical representation of post-acute care utilization rates (See Figure 2). This comparative analysis serves to clarify the spending trends associated with each post-acute care category, illustrating how spending aligns with utilization frequency. The updated dot figure now features expanded post-acute care categories, with the addition of Inpatient Rehabilitation (IP Rehab), Outpatient Rehabilitation (OP Rehab), Emergency Department (ED), and Long-Term Acute Care Hospital (LTACH) services. This figure also depicts the percentage of each hospital’s patients who utilized home health care, skilled nursing facility (SNF) care, and outpatient services.

Figure 2.

Across the collaborative, reports continue to show high use of 30-day home health care and outpatient services for these common conditions. For patients initiating their episode of care at a general acute care hospital within the collaborative, the home health care utilization rate was highest following CABG and joint replacement.

Patients experiencing a CABG episode were noted to have significant use of outpatient services within the 30 days following the index event, demonstrating an average utilization rate of 66%. This rate reflects a 7% decline in utilization rate from the figures reported in the previous common conditions report. Patients with episodes of CHF and PCI were also high utilizers of outpatient services.

One final trend noted across the collaborative is a general decrease in 30-day readmission rates for colectomy, COPD, CABG, CHF, pneumonia, and sepsis (See Figure 3).

Figure 3.

MVC is dedicated to regularly updating its commons conditions report, aiming to equip collaborative partners with insightful data that can drive and reinforce meaningful advancements in healthcare quality. We hope these reports prove beneficial and welcome MVC members to contact MVC with any questions or analytic requests.

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MVC Finalizes Summary Evaluation of PY22-23 P4P Cycle

MVC Finalizes Summary Evaluation of PY22-23 P4P Cycle

This year, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) completed all scoring and evaluation for Program Year 2023 of the MVC Component of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program. This concluded a two-year program cycle encompassing the program methodologies and conditions utilized in PYs 2022 and 2023. MVC is excited to share its member evaluation document for these two program years, which highlights hospital performance on average 30-day risk-adjusted, price-standardized total episode payments for the included conditions across both program years.

The PY 2022-2023 program cycle utilized episode claims from 2019 through 2022. PY 2022 scoring compared performance year data from 2021 against baseline year data from 2019. PY 2023 scoring compared performance year data from 2022 against baseline year data from 2020.

Hospitals chose two conditions from seven available options for the PY 2022-2023 program cycle, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), congestive heart failure (CHF), colectomy (non-cancer), joint replacement (hip and knee), spine surgery, and pneumonia. Among these seven P4P conditions, joint replacement was the most selected condition (40), and colectomy was selected the least (4). Trends in average price-standardized episode payments showed a consistent decrease over the years for CABG and joint replacement, and a recent downward trend for pneumonia, spine, and colectomy payments as seen in Figure 1. MVC observed relatively consistent average payments over time for CHF and COPD episodes during PY 2022-2023.

Figure 1. Average Price-Standardized Episode Payment Trends for P4P Conditions

The most striking observation in PYs 2022 and 2023 is the increasing shift to the outpatient setting for both spine and joint replacement surgeries. For joint replacement surgeries, 23.2% of episodes took place outpatient in 2019, 49.4% were outpatient in 2020, 71.6% were outpatient in 2021, and 85.4% were outpatient in 2022. Similar shifts were observed for spine surgeries during the PY 2022-2023 cycle, with the percent of outpatient spine surgery procedures increasing from 30.4% in 2019 to 51.4% in 2022 as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Utilization of Outpatient Setting for Spine Surgery by Year

This shift in outpatient utilization also impacted the decrease in average total episode payments since the associated costs for outpatient surgeries were significantly lower than inpatient surgeries. The decrease in total episode payments for spine and joint replacement surgeries was largely reflected in the index payments for PYs 2022 and 2023 respectively (Figures 3 and 4).

Figure 3. Change in Average Price-Standardized Episode Components, PY 2022

Figure 4. Change in Average Price-Standardized Episode Components, PY 2023

Overall, there was not much change between PY 2022 and PY 2023 in the overall points earned and average points based on hospital characteristics, though the scores on average were slightly higher in PY 2022 (Figures 5 and 6).  For detailed, condition-specific analyses on scoring, please refer to the full member evaluation document.

Figure 5. PY 2022 Total Point Distribution (Includes Bonus Points)

Figure 6. PY 2023 Total Point Distribution (Includes Bonus Points)

If you have any questions regarding the MVC Component of the BCBSM P4P Program, please reference the P4P Technical Document for Program Years 2022 and 2023 and the MVC P4P FAQ PY 2022-2023. If you would like to set up a meeting to review your hospital’s performance, please contact the Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.


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Hospitals Receive New Push Reports on MVC’s P4P Episode Spending and Value Metrics

Hospitals Receive New Push Reports on MVC’s P4P Episode Spending and Value Metrics

The Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) Coordinating Center distributed a new report earlier this month focused on Program Years (PYs) 2024 and 2025 for the MVC Component of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program. PYs 2024 and 2025 retained the episode spending component of the program but incorporated MVC’s value metrics – specific process measures of utilization that are evidence-based, actionable, and show variability across the state. This report, therefore, highlighted data for each hospital’s specific PY 24-25 episode spending and value metric selections. We hope that these reports will be utilized to inform quality improvement efforts by identifying areas of opportunity for episode spending conditions or value-based practices.

Hospitals selected chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), colectomy (non-cancer), congestive heart failure (CHF), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), joint replacement, or pneumonia for their episode spending scoring. Seven value metrics were available to choose from, including cardiac rehabilitation after CABG, cardiac rehabilitation after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), seven-day follow-up after CHF, 14-day follow-up after COPD, seven-day follow-up after pneumonia, preoperative testing, and risk-adjusted readmission after sepsis. With the exception of the trend figure on the report’s value metric page (which has a data range of 1/1/2020 – 12/31/2022), the data in this report reflected baseline year data (2021) for PY 2024. Any impact to utilization or patient outcomes achieved by hospitals this year will contribute to their performance year data for PY 2025.

The first data page focused on a hospital’s episode spending selection, and provided a caterpillar plot (Figure 1) for price-standardized and risk-adjusted total episode payments for that hospital compared to other MVC hospitals as well as the MVC collaborative-wide average and that hospital’s P4P cohort average. P4P cohorts were determined based on hospital bed size, case mix index, and critical access status.

Figure 1.

The report also included episode spending figures focused on price-standardized, risk-adjusted payments for major episode components (index, professional, readmission, and post-discharge) as well as post-discharge payment components (emergency department, home health, skilled nursing facility, inpatient and outpatient rehab, and outpatient services). These two figures (Figure 2 and 3) could be used to identify the components contributing most significantly towards a hospital’s total episode payment.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

The second data page provided information about a hospital’s value metric selection. The first figure was a caterpillar plot (Figure 4) displaying that hospital’s value metric rate compared to other MVC hospitals as well as the MVC collaborative-wide average and that hospital’s P4P cohort average.

Figure 4.

The value metric page also included a trend graph detailing a hospital’s value metric rate by six-month interval, and a final figure that varied by hospital to provide additional metric-specific insights. Hospitals being scored on cardiac rehab after CABG or PCI received a caterpillar plot of average days to the first cardiac rehab visit among cardiac rehab utilizers. Hospitals being scored on follow-up after CHF, COPD, or pneumonia received a bar chart of follow-up rates by setting (in-person only, remote only, or both in-person and remote). Hospitals being scored on preoperative testing will see a bar chart of preoperative testing rates by test type. Lastly, hospitals being scored on 30-day readmissions after sepsis received a table of the most common reasons for readmission after the initial sepsis episode’s discharge.

For more information about your hospital’s episode spending and value metric selections and data, as well as other conditions and value metrics not selected, hospitals can utilize the PY 2024-2025 reports on the MVC Registry. PYs 2024 and 2025 also introduced a new engagement component, awarding 2 out of the 10 program year points for completed engagement activities. Please see the following event list and calendar for 2024 engagement opportunities, which will contribute to a hospital’s PY 2024 score.

If you have any questions regarding the MVC Component of the BCBSM P4P Program, please reference the P4P Technical Document for Program Years 2024 and 2025. If you would like to set up a meeting to review your hospital’s performance, please contact the Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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MVC Celebrates Heart Month, Annual Cardiac Rehab Week

MVC Celebrates Heart Month, Annual Cardiac Rehab Week

Throughout February’s American Heart Month, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) has and will continue to provide cardiac rehab resources and information on behalf of the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR). This week, MVC also shared content as part of National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, joining other organizations across the country to promote the benefits of the program and share information on statewide initiatives. As cardiac rehab week comes to a close, MVC is proud to highlight recent activity.

The MiCR partnership was established by MVC and the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2), who have partnered in recent years to support quality improvement and innovation around cardiac rehabilitation participation. Although the strategies and initiatives have changed and expanded over time, the key goal remains: to equitably increase cardiac rehabilitation utilization among eligible patients across the state of Michigan. This week, MiCR sought to educate providers within the BMC2 and MVC collaborative about the benefits of the program, current statewide participation rates, and novel initiatives in place to support improvement.

One product highlighted this week was the MiCR cardiac rehab hospital-level push reports, which benchmark cardiac rehabilitation participation across the collaborative. The 2023 report highlighted significant variation in performance and also demonstrated that several hospitals in Michigan are already successfully reaching or exceeding goals for utilization (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Current MiCR resources, including both hospital-level cardiac rehab benchmarking reports and the MiCR Best Practices Toolkit, were designed to serve members in tracking hospital cardiac rehabilitation utilization and provide guidance to improve enrollment and adherence to the program; however, neither resource specifically investigated patient barriers to participation. To bolster successful referrals to cardiac rehabilitation in Michigan, MiCR recently partnered with Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan (HBOM) to launch a new program titled NewBeat. Designed to deliver heartfelt, pragmatic support to new cardiac rehabilitation patients, NewBeat is a multi-component intervention designed to address three common barriers to patient enrollment and participation: lack of education, unclear physician endorsements, and transportation access.

To address the first barrier, MiCR recently launched its website, which houses patient and provider-facing resources, MiCR event dates, and publications in one convenient location. The website already includes features such as a cardiac rehabilitation location finder and unified cardiac rehabilitation resources, but over the coming months will continue to expand.

There is research evidence that strong, personal physician referrals increase the likelihood of cardiac rehabilitation participation. For many patients, in fact, a personal referral is the only reason they sign up. Following the data, NewBeat’s second intervention component is its Cardiac Care Cards, which leverage the influence of cardiovascular providers in encouraging cardiac rehabilitation enrollment in a memorable and personal way. The cards, which can be saved and displayed on kitchen tables and refrigerators, serve as a reminder to patients that the care team understands their recovery process and supports them as they enter cardiac rehabilitation as the next step in their recovery (Figure 2). Hospitals and rehab program staff can request on the MiCR website.

Figure 2.

As the initiative continues to develop, NewBeat will grow to include patient success stories, provider-facing videos, and an informational handout on transportation resources.

One of MiCR’s key strategies in promoting the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation is fostering collaboration between providers and program staff. One of these opportunities is through an MVC workgroup series focused on cardiac rehabilitation, with the next session taking place at noon on Thurs., Feb. 22 (Figure 3). The workgroup will include a guest presentation by Devraj Sukul, MD, MSc, Co-Director of MiCR and Associate Director of BMC2 PCI. The presentation will feature recent findings about cardiac rehabilitation liaisons and their impact on patient enrollment. Register here to participate. MiCR also recently sent a save the date for its next stakeholder meeting, which will take place virtually on Fri., April 5, 10-11 a.m.

Figure 3.

MVC would like to thank everyone who contributed to Cardiac Rehabilitation Week this year. Advocating for cardiac rehabilitation continues to be a high priority for the MVC team, and the Coordinating Center is inspired by the recent growth and interest in this endeavor. Collectively, by promoting cardiac rehabilitation we can save lives and help patients in Michigan get back on their feet faster. Please contact the MVC team with any questions about attending future cardiac rehabilitation events or receiving related materials.

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MVC Celebrates Q4 Updates and Successes to Close Out 2023

MVC Celebrates Q4 Updates and Successes to Close Out 2023

The Michigan Value Collaborative distributes a quarterly newsletter to highlight recent MVC events, reporting, partnerships, and member activity. The final newsletter of 2023 was emailed to subscribers this week and summarizes activities and accomplishments from Q4. First and foremost, the Coordinating Center is grateful to its members for their partnership throughout 2023 - MVC's 10th year in operation as a value-based Collaborative Quality Initiative. This was a special year for the MVC team as we celebrated key successes from the last decade (Figure 1). MVC also celebrated a new addition to the Coordinating Center team in Q4, with MVC Engagement Manager Jessica Souva joining in October (Figure 2).

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

The Q4 newsletter included summary highlights from MVC's fall collaborative-wide meeting, which was held Oct. 20 in Lansing with the theme of "high-value care for all." This newsletter edition also highlighted important updates to MVC's strategy, which were informed by member insights and strategic planning activities over the past year. The resulting revised strategic framework will shape MVC's priorities and activities in 2024 and beyond.

Another key focus of the Q4 newsletter was the release of MVC's Program Year 2024 Engagement Point Menu, available here. Hospitals may earn up to two MVC P4P engagement points toward their PY24 scorecard by mixing and matching the included offerings. MVC hosted an Engagement Point Menu Webinar to introduce this menu and answer questions in November 2023. The webinar recording can be accessed here. In addition, MVC developed a Frequently Asked Questions guide available here.

The Q4 newsletter highlighted a large portfolio of reports and activities completed by MVC staff from October through December. MVC prepared several refreshed hospital-level push reports that were then shared with hospital and physician organization members via their unique Dropbox folders, including refreshed versions of MVC's preoperating testing, sepsis, common condition, and chronic disease management reports. Additionally, MVC and MUSIC worked together on a pair of value-based improvement exercises to assess the impact of MUSIC initiatives on opioid prescription use. One of these exercises focused on the impact of MUSIC's ROCKs initiative on opioid spending following kidney stone surgery, and a second focused on the impact of MUSIC's Michigan Pain-control Optimization Pathway (MPOP) initiative on opioid spending following prostate surgery. MVC also partnered with BMC2, HBOM, and Trinity Health Ann Arbor to co-host the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network Fall 2023 Stakeholder Meeting in November, during which the new MiCR website and other cardiac rehab resources were announced. 

In January, BCBSM will be conducting its 2024 CQI Coordinating Center Survey, which provides an opportunity for members to evaluate the MVC Coordinating Center staff. We value your feedback and thank you in advance for your participation. The MVC Coordinating Center looks forward to continuing its work in 2024 and wishes everyone a happy holiday season and new year!

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MVC Announces Key Event Dates in 2024 Engagement Calendar

MVC Announces Key Event Dates in 2024 Engagement Calendar

The Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) offers several opportunities for hospitals and physician organizations (PO) to collaborate and share best practices, from collaborative-wide meetings and workgroups to regional networking events and virtual webinars. MVC is thrilled to share its 2024 event calendar with a full list of currently scheduled events and registration links. Some events have yet to be scheduled for 2024, such as networking events or ad hoc webinars. Once scheduled, the 2024 calendar will be updated to include those dates and posted to the MVC events page.

Collaborative-Wide Meetings

MVC holds collaborative-wide meetings twice each year to bring together quality leaders from across the state for networking and peer learning. MVC usually shares updates and unblinded data and invites guest speakers to share success stories on topics of interest to members.

MVC will host its spring collaborative-wide meeting on Friday, May 10, 2024, in Midland, MI. The fall collaborative-wide meeting is set for Friday, October 25, 2024, in Livonia, MI. Registration is not yet available for these two meetings and will be shared with members in the months leading up to each date.

MVC Workgroups

Workgroups consist of a diverse group of representatives from Michigan hospitals and POs that meet virtually to collaborate and share ideas. The 2024 workgroup topics include cardiac rehabilitation, health in action, post-discharge follow-up, preoperative testing, rural health, and sepsis. All MVC workgroups offered in 2024 will occur from 12-1 p.m.

Program Year 2024-2024 P4P Engagement Points

Many hospitals participating in the MVC Component of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program know that the program structure for Program Years (PYs) 2024-2025 includes up to two points for completed engagement activities. Many of the engagement offerings available to all members in 2024 will allow P4P hospitals to earn engagement points. One way that hospitals can earn engagement points is by presenting at a 2024 MVC workgroup, worth 0.5 points. Hospitals interested in presenting at a 2024 workgroup for P4P points must submit a presentation proposal form (link). For Q1 workgroup presentations in February or March, the deadline to submit presentation proposals will be extended to Dec. 15, 2023. MVC will review submissions on a rolling basis and communicate decisions and next steps as proposals are received.

The full MVC PY24 Engagement Point Menu is available here. Hospitals interested in earning P4P engagement points can mix and match from the included offerings to earn up to two points toward their PY24 scorecard. MVC hosted an Engagement Point Menu Webinar to introduce this menu and answer questions in November 2023. The webinar recording can be accessed here. In addition, MVC developed a Frequently Asked Questions guide available here.

Please email the MVC Coordinating Center at mailto:Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu if you have any questions.

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Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network Hosts In-Person Stakeholder Meeting at Trinity Health

Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network Hosts In-Person Stakeholder Meeting at Trinity Health

The Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2) recently held a successful 2023 Fall Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR) Stakeholder Meeting on Fri., Nov. 17. This was the second in-person MiCR Stakeholder Meeting since MVC and BMC2 founded the MiCR partnership in 2022. The meeting brought together 63 individuals representing 28 organizations and was co-hosted by Trinity Health Ann Arbor’s cardiac rehab team.

The day’s agenda accounted for a variety of topics, including updates and material releases by the MiCR team, presentations and panel discussions about the new MVC and BMC2 pay-for-performance measures for cardiac rehab (see slides), advice and updates about cardiac rehab billing (see slides), recent findings about liaison-mediated referrals and their impact on cardiac rehab participation after percutaneous coronary intervention (see slides), and breakout groups to help brainstorm opportunities within various focus areas.

One unique and memorable aspect of the day was the ability to learn from the meeting’s hosts, Trinity Health Ann Arbor. Professional representatives from the site included Frank Smith, MD, Medical Director of the Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program for the Ann Arbor and Livingston locations, and Mansoor Qureshi, MD, Medical Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab and Structural Heart Program for Ann Arbor, who provided opening remarks about the importance of facilitating provider buy-in and referrals. They emphasized cardiac rehab as a key high-value service to improve patient lives. Their slides can be viewed here.

They were also joined by Amy Preston, BS, CEP, Cardiac Rehab Manager and Exercise Physiologist, who organized optional tours of the Trinity Ann Arbor rehab space. Nearly all the meeting’s attendees opted to participate in the tours to learn about the unique spaces and strategies utilized at Trinity.

The MiCR team was also thrilled to announce the launch of New Beat, a multi-component intervention developed in partnership with the Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan (HBOM) team (see slides). The New Beat program’s interventions address specific barriers to patient participation, such as gaps in patient or physician knowledge about benefits, the need for stronger physician endorsement, and access issues resulting from transportation barriers. The offerings developed by MiCR and HBOM to support these New Beat strategies include MiCR’s new website (MichiganCR.org), patient- and provider-facing educational materials, cardiac care cards that can be signed by providers and delivered to patient rooms prior to discharge (Figure 1), and an Uber Health pilot. In particular, please note that the interest form on the MiCR website is now open for those interested in accessing these resources or requesting others.

Figure 1.

As of the Nov. 17 meeting, the 2024 CMS reimbursement rules for cardiac rehab had not been announced. Once they are, MiCR will help share those updates and related resources with its contacts. Please reach out to info@michigancr.org with any questions.

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MVC Rural Health Meeting Summary: Delivering Value in Rural and Northern Michigan

MVC Rural Health Meeting Summary: Delivering Value in Rural and Northern Michigan

This Wednesday, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) held its first collaborative-wide rural health meeting for members. With over 50 participants representing rural and critical access hospitals (CAH), physician organizations (POs), and participating quality networks, this virtual meeting was dedicated to discussing the unique quality improvement efforts and challenges that exist within rural healthcare.

MVC Director Hari Nathan, MD, PhD, kicked off Wednesday’s meeting with an update from the MVC Coordinating Center (see slides). Honoring MVC’s 10-year anniversary, Dr. Nathan highlighted important milestones from the last decade that contributed to MVC’s continued efforts to deliver high-value healthcare in all areas of Michigan. Dr. Nathan shared updates pertaining to the launch of MVC’s new emergency department (ED)-based episodes, the recent addition of a CAH comparison group in its reporting, expanded CAH membership (Figure 1), and MVC’s plan to offer a rural health workgroup series in 2024.

Figure 1.

Following Dr. Nathan’s introduction and collaborative-wide updates, MVC Senior Analyst Julia Mantey, MPH, MUP, provided an in-depth presentation of MVC’s new ED-based episodes, which were developed in collaboration with the Michigan Emergency Department Improvement Collaborative (MEDIC). Read this recent blog post for more information on MVC’s ED-based episode structure and utilization or view Ms. Mantey’s slides here.

After introducing the components of MVC’s ED-based episodes, Ms. Mantey presented an unblinded data session illustrating ED-based episode data for MVC’s rural hospital members. When considering both rural non-CAH ED-based episodes and CAH ED-based episodes, chest pain was the most frequent condition observed. Due to its high volume in the ED, MVC produced unblinded rural hospital data using ED-based episodes for 30-day secondary ED visits among patients with a primary diagnosis of chest pain. In analyzing this data, MVC analysts discovered a correlation between patient follow-up rates and 30-day secondary ED visit rates. Patients who receive follow-up care are less likely to return to the ED in the 30 days following their initial index discharge, and the rate of secondary ED visits is smallest among patients who received follow-up care within one week of discharge (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Following the unblinded data presentation, MVC received input from participants about additional analyses that would be useful, such as evaluating the correlation between the availability of nearby urgent care facilities and the rates of primary and secondary ED visits. Such suggestions were noted as MVC works to expand its CAH and ED-based episode data reporting.

Following the unblinded data session, Ross Ramsey, MD, CPEM, FAAFP, President and Chief Executive Officer of Scheurer Health, delivered a presentation on common rural health challenges and Scheurer Health’s recent efforts to improve the quality of care for its rural population. Dr. Ramsey emphasized that rural areas are associated with higher poverty rates, larger proportions of elderly individuals, a higher percentage of patients who are uninsured, and a higher prevalence of chronic health problems such as substance abuse and illnesses related to environmental exposures. Dr. Ramsey highlighted several focus areas at Scheurer Health to improve the value of care for its patients: wellness visits, transitional care management, remote patient monitoring, and ED follow up. As seen in Figure 3, Scheurer Health increased wellness visit participation by 32.8% over the last six years. For more details about Scheurer Health’s strategies and success stories, view Dr. Ramsey’s slides here.

Figure 3.

After Dr. Ramsey’s insightful presentation, MVC welcomed Mariah Hesse, MSN, CENP, President of the Michigan Critical Access Hospital Quality Network (MICAH QN) and Chief Nursing Officer at Sparrow Clinton Hospital. Her presentation (see slides) provided an overview of core components of the quality network, highlighting its foundational pillars of success (Figure 4), in addition to featuring the network’s accomplishments and the benefits of participation by Michigan’s 37 CAHs. MICAH QN ensures representation for CAHs on national and state committees and serves as a resource to Michigan CAHs on performance improvement tools and measures. Her presentation also referenced several key priorities for healthcare in rural Michigan, such as meaningful benchmarking focused on outpatient care, recovery from challenges experienced during the pandemic, and improving healthcare access and equity.

Figure 4.

MVC looks forward to continued partnership with members based in rural communities to support the delivery of sustainable, high-value care through high-quality data analytics, collaboration, and innovation.

The slides from Wednesday’s meeting have been posted to the MVC website and a recording of the meeting is available here. If you have questions about any of the topics, contact the MVC Coordinating Center. MVC’s next collaborative-wide meeting will be in person on Friday, October 20, 2023, in Lansing, MI.

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MVC Welcomes New Analyst, Julia Mantey, MPH, MUP

MVC Welcomes New Analyst, Julia Mantey, MPH, MUP

I am happy to introduce myself as a new senior analyst with the Michigan Value Collaborative. I’m excited to apply my experience as an epidemiologist and statistician to support the collaborative’s mission to improve Michiganders’ health. I look forward to working with the MVC team, getting to know our members, and developing new skills.

I’ve worked in health research since graduating from the University of Michigan School of Public Health with my Master of Public Health (MPH) degree in 2015. I participated in a dual-degree program, earning a Master of Urban Planning (MUP) degree in tandem with my MPH. I believe that our built environment has a tremendous influence on communities, habits, and opportunities – all of which impact individual and public health. While completing my studies I was drawn to data management and visualization, and I pursued related roles upon graduation. Most recently, I worked as a statistician on grant-funded studies of pathogen transmission within nursing homes with the Center for Research and Innovations in Special Populations (CRIISP), a Michigan Medicine research team.

While I’ve found my professional niche working with health-related data, I also apply my background in urban planning as a Planning Commissioner in my hometown of Farmington. Outside of work, I enjoy running with my dog, gardening in the summer, and baking in the winter. If you have any questions for me, please reach out to jmantey@med.umich.edu.