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MVC’s Refreshed Common Conditions Report Coming to Hospital Members Soon

MVC’s Refreshed Common Conditions Report Coming to Hospital Members Soon

MVC members will receive their next batch of updated push reports in the coming days with a refreshed version of MVC’s common conditions report. These reports provide insight into episodes of care for eight medical and surgical conditions that are commonly a focus for quality improvement efforts at MVC hospitals: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), colectomy (non-cancer), congestive heart failure (CHF), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), total knee and hip (joint) replacement, pneumonia, and spine surgery. MVC’s general acute care hospital and Critical Access Hospital (CAH) members will receive tailored versions of the report, with each group receiving benchmark data specific to their own category of hospitals.

Although the metrics provided vary by condition and case count, report pages generally focus on 30-day total episode payments, readmission rates, common reasons for readmissions, and post-acute care utilization. MVC price standardizes total episode payments to Medicare FFS amounts so that comparisons can be made across hospitals and over time. Payments are risk adjusted for patient age, gender, payer, comorbidities, and high or low prior healthcare utilization/payments.

Post-acute care utilization benchmarking for each of the eight medical and surgical conditions includes graphs displaying the percentage of each hospital’s patients who used home health care, inpatient/outpatient rehab, skilled nursing facility care, outpatient services, or emergency department care in the 30 days following their index hospitalization or surgery. Across the collaborative, reports show high use of 30-day home health care and outpatient services for these common conditions. For patients initiating their episode of care at a general acute care hospital within the collaborative, the home health care utilization rate was highest following CABG (69%) and joint replacement (50%).

Patients with a CABG episode were also high utilizers of outpatient services in the 30 days post-index (Figure 1), with a 73% average utilization rate. Patients with episodes for CHF (58%) and AMI (53%) were also high utilizers of outpatient services. Across conditions, use of outpatient services in the 30 days post-index was generally higher among episodes originating at CAHs than among episodes originating at general acute care hospitals.

Figure 1.

Reports also assess the setting of care for joint replacements and spine surgeries. For total knee and hip replacements, MVC data shows that the percent of joint replacements performed in an outpatient setting at general acute care hospitals across Michigan continued to rise from January 2021 through September 2022 (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

The patient population in these reports comprises adult patients who had surgery or an inpatient hospitalization at an MVC-participating hospital between January 2021 and September 2022. Measures are based on 30-day inpatient and surgical-based episodes of care data, incorporating paid claims from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network Commercial and Medicare Advantage plans as well as paid claims from Medicare Fee-for-Service. Episodes meeting any of the following criteria were excluded from calculations: patients transferred to another acute care hospital or to hospice, patients who died during their index stay, and patients with a primary diagnosis of COVID-19 received in an inpatient setting at any point during their 30-day episode.

We hope our collaborative participants find these reports valuable, and as always, we welcome MVC members to contact MVC with any questions or analytic requests.

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Latest PO Joint Replacement Report Adds Outpatient Rehab Rates, Demographics, and More

Latest PO Joint Replacement Report Adds Outpatient Rehab Rates, Demographics, and More

MVC proudly partners with 40 physician organizations (PO) spanning the state of Michigan and continues to refine and add to the resources tailored to these members. As part of this work, MVC recently refreshed and shared PO joint replacement reports in December. These PO-level reports were first shared in October 2021 with a focus on the shift away from inpatient surgeries as well as post-acute care utilization for combined joint procedures.

The recently refreshed reports carried forward many of the joint episode metrics included previously, but with additional stratification and detail. For instance, whereas the 2021 version presented figures for all joint surgeries combined, many of the figures in the December 2022 version provided data stratified by hip procedure, knee procedure, and all joint procedures. Similarly, some figures are stratified by the location of the procedure (inpatient vs. outpatient). This new differentiation was intended to help POs more easily understand the underlying drivers of their metrics. For example, the blinded hospital below (Figure 1) could observe that its average 30-day price-standardized total episode payment is driven more by hip surgeries ($17,399) than knee surgeries ($16,643). This site could also observe that its overall total episode payment is below both the collaborative-wide PO average and the average in their region, and at the average for other POs of a similar size.

Figure 1.

Additional detail was also added to the patient attribution table, which now identifies the top 10 index facilities (rather than five) where a PO’s attributed patients underwent joint replacement surgery. This table now also includes each index facility’s percent of joint episodes performed in an outpatient setting as well as their average 30-day price-standardized total episode payment for attributed patients. This change was intended to inform quality improvement discussions between POs and partner hospitals or Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs).

Also new to this report were 30-day outpatient rehabilitation rates and a patient population snapshot table to help POs better understand the demographics of patients included in the report. The table included mean age, top two patient Zip codes, the percent of patients living in an “at-risk” or “distressed” Zip code according to the Distressed Communities Index, the proportion of patients belonging to different racial categories, their average length of stay, and their 30-day post-surgery complication rate. Each of these categories was summarized separately by insurance plan.

This report utilized administrative claims from attributed members spanning 1/1/19 – 6/30/21 for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) PPO Commercial, BCBSM Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Fee-for-Service. Reports were prepared for all POs that participate in MVC and had at least 20 joint replacement episodes in 2019 and 2020, and at least 11 episodes in the first half of 2021.

In general, report findings indicated that utilization of outpatient surgery settings continued to increase in 2021 on average (Figure 2). However, there was still significant variation between MVC’s 40 PO members in their average rate of joint replacement surgeries taking place in outpatient settings (Figure 3). For joint episodes in 2019 through the first half of 2021, outpatient surgery rates ranged from just over 20% to nearly 80%.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

On average across the collaborative, POs still had low rates of skilled nursing facility (SNF) utilization (6.7%) and higher rates of home health (HH) utilization (55.3%). However, variation in PO member HH utilization rates ranged from approximately 10% to 90%.

If you have feedback on your new PO joint replacement report or would like to request an additional custom analysis to better fit your needs, contact the Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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MVC Distributes New Push Report Dedicated to P4P Conditions

MVC Distributes New Push Report Dedicated to P4P Conditions

MVC launched a new push report this week dedicated to the MVC P4P conditions. Its purpose is to support hospitals in identifying areas of opportunity within past and present conditions of the MVC Component of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program. The conditions currently included in P4P and in this report are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), colectomy (non-cancer), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), joint replacement (hip and knee), pneumonia, and spine surgery. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is also included in this report as a historical P4P condition. Hospitals received a page for each condition if they met a case count threshold of 11 episodes in 2019 and 2020.

This report was limited to episodes included in the P4P program with index admissions in 2019 and 2020, and thus included the following payers: BCBSM Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), BCBSM Medicare Advantage, Blue Care Network (BCN) Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), BCN Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS). To align with the P4P program, MVC excluded patients with a discharge disposition of inpatient death or transfer to hospice, episodes that started with an inpatient transfer, and episodes with a COVID-19 diagnosis on a facility claim in the inpatient setting. To fully exclude COVID-19 patients, pneumonia episodes in March 2020 were also excluded.

The reports provided data on hospital trends in episode payments, readmission rates, post-acute care utilization, and emergency department utilization for P4P patients. Data from the push report can be used in conjunction with the registry reports to inform areas of opportunity in the P4P conditions. The push reports also provided a snapshot of each hospital’s P4P patient population (see Figure 1), including race, mean age, and the average number of comorbidities.

Figure 1. Patient Population Snapshot for Blinded Hospital

For Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), the report also included index length of stay. For acute care hospitals, the report included a “reasons for readmissions” table that identified the top five reasons a P4P patient was readmitted. However, this table was removed from the report’s joint replacement page due to low readmission rates among joint replacement surgeries. In its place, acute care hospitals received their ratio of outpatient to inpatient surgeries.

As with other push reports, hospitals were compared to other members in the collaborative for select measures. For acute care hospitals, each hospital’s report includes a comparison point for all MVC episodes (“MVC All”) as well as for episodes at hospitals in the same geographic region (“Your Region”). These reference points do not include episodes that occurred at hospitals with a CAH designation. Similarly, the reports distributed to CAHs included comparison points for MVC episodes at all CAHs in the collaborative (“CAH Average”).

This report takes the place of the cardiac service line reports, which included data on CHF, AMI, and CABG. The new P4P conditions push report uses many of the same measures and figures from the cardiac service line reports, but for the complete list of P4P conditions.

For more information on the MVC Component of the P4P Program, see the MVC P4P Technical Document. Please share your feedback on the newest P4P conditions push report with the MVC Coordinating Center at michiganvaluecollaborative@gmail.com.

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MVC Releases New Physician Organization Joint Report

MVC Releases New Physician Organization Joint Report

Taking care of patients is the most important responsibility of the healthcare industry. To achieve optimal care, providers require robust and valuable resources that support their efforts. At MVC’s inception in 2013, the primary focus was the development of hospital-based metrics to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and encourage hospitals to collaborate in best practice sharing. MVC has since expanded its focus outside the hospital walls, recruiting all 40 physician organizations (POs) to participate as MVC members and collaborate to improve the health of Michigan through sustainable, high-value healthcare.

In April of 2021, MVC released its first PO population-level report containing data on health care utilization, allowing POs to benchmark themselves against all MVC PO members. To ensure the continued provision of the highest quality information, MVC engages regularly with PO members to solicit feedback on MVC outputs and to understand their priorities. For example, feedback from MVC’s first PO-specific report resulted in the MVC Coordinating Center updating its patient attribution process to align with that of its Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) partners and their Physician Group Incentive Program (PGIP). As a result, MVC members are attributed to their respective POs with Blue Cross attribution methodology. The MVC Coordinating Center continues to leverage input from these stakeholders to drive the formation of PO-specific reports (see Figure 1).

Figure 1.

A new PO report released this week focuses on episode-based metrics related to joint replacement surgery. This report utilizes updated methodologies and is comprised of administrative claims from attributed members spanning 1/1/19 – 12/31/20 for BCBSM PPO Commercial and BCBSM Medicare Advantage. Reports were prepared for all POs that participate in MVC and had at least 11 joint replacement surgeries per year in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The selection of metrics contained in this report is a result of feedback from PO members and BCBSM.

The new PO Joint Replacement Report includes:

  • Top five facilities where attributed patients had a joint replacement surgery
  • Percent of joint replacement surgeries performed in an inpatient setting by six-month interval
  • Percent of joint replacement surgeries performed in the inpatient setting
  • Utilization rate after a joint replacement surgery in the inpatient/outpatient setting for the following:
    • Home health care
    • Skilled nursing facility (SNF)
    • Emergency department (ED)

The MVC Coordinating Center is stratifying metrics by employed vs. independent PO using BCBSM’s Summer 2021 PGIP physician list. Therefore, POs with greater than 50% of their aligned providers employed by a health system are considered employed, and those with fewer than 50% are considered independent.

The report indicates a downward trend over time in the percent of surgeries performed in the inpatient setting (see Figure 2). This is a positive finding given the push for joint replacements to occur in the outpatient setting; however, it is unclear whether COVID-19 was a factor in this decrease given that the reporting period includes 2020.

Figure 2.

In addition, POs generally have low rates of skilled nursing facility (SNF) utilization (see Figure 3) and relatively higher rates of home health (see Figure 4) utilization. This finding is also encouraging since SNFs are expensive.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

The metrics with the greatest variation among the different POs are home health rates as well as the overall percentage of joint replacement surgeries performed in the inpatient setting (see Figure 5).

Figure 5.

By understanding the needs of MVC PO members regarding present and future patient care improvement activities, MVC will be better able to improve its future PO reports. If you are interested in sharing feedback about these new PO reports, have any specific PO analytic requests, are undergoing new PO improvement initiatives, and/or would like more information about the Michigan Value Collaborative, please reach out to the Coordinating Center at michiganvaluecollaborative@gmail.com.