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MVC, BMC2, HBOM Announce New Cardiac Rehab Materials & Opportunities at MiCR Meeting

MVC, BMC2, HBOM Announce New Cardiac Rehab Materials & Opportunities at MiCR Meeting

In partnership with BMC2 and HBOM, the Michigan Value Collaborative recently co-hosted the Michigan Cardiac Rehab network (MiCR) virtual summer meeting, which brought together providers, quality improvement staff, rehab staff, and patients with a shared interest in improving participation in cardiac rehabilitation. Over 70 attendees from across the state joined the meeting on Aug. 9, where they heard updates from the MiCR leadership, previewed new MiCR resources, and heard from a panel of hospital representatives who discussed their experience using the MiCR NewBeat materials.

NewBeat Success and Re-Orders

One key announcement from the meeting included the launch of a second round for placing NewBeat material print orders [ORDER FORM LINK]. The MiCR team will accept submitted order forms through Tues., Sept. 24. Those who request the free printed materials can either pick them up at the fall in-person MiCR meeting in Midland or have them mailed to an address they designate. Early survey evidence suggests that implementation of the NewBeat program is associated with an increase in confidence across a number of metrics (Figure 1).

Figure 1. NewBeat Survey Results Pre- and Post-Implementation

Speaking to the value of these materials was a panel of representatives from Corewell Health South, Holland Hospital, and Michigan Medicine—three sites who ordered NewBeat materials in the first round at the start of 2024. Each shared their experience using the materials and advice on their integration. HBOM also recorded virtual interviews with the Corewell Health and Holland Hospital site contacts for use in a NewBeat success story video (Figure 2), which was played for the meeting’s attendees.

Figure 2. Implementing NewBeat Feedback Video

Those who wish to place an order for NewBeat materials in the current round will again have the opportunity to request the MiCR patient/provider educational handout (available in English, Spanish, and Arabic), the cardiac rehab liaison postcard, and the cardiac care cards. Some customizations are possible to the handout and postcard design to include local hospital or rehab center contact information. Additionally, there is a new offering included in this round of ordering that was launched at the meeting: a new discharge packet sticker. These new sticker designs (Figures 3 and 4) can be affixed to the outside of a patient’s discharge folder and are meant to stand out to patients and families who are often inundated with discharge paperwork. They alert the patient that their discharge paperwork includes a referral to cardiac rehab as the next step in their care.

Figure 3. NewBeat Sticker Journey Design

Figure 4. NewBeat Sticker Golden Ticket Design

MiCR Mini Grant RFP Opens for Second Round

The summer meeting also included an announcement that MiCR’s mini grant program to fund small, local cardiac rehab quality improvement projects will similarly be re-opened for a second round of submissions. The first round resulted in the funding of projects at MyMichigan Midland, DMC Huron Valley Sinai, and Ascension Rochester. MiCR is accepting new submissions through Fri., Sept. 13 for up to $5,000 per project. Full details on the RFP and application are available on the MiCR website.

MiCR Updates & Meeting Materials

Finally, the MiCR leadership team announced the development of a neutrally-branded, customizable patient education video that can be shared with hospitals or rehab programs to play on their own websites or waiting room monitors. The video was developed in response to feedback from partner sites that online materials need to be improved and that neutral video content about the value of cardiac rehab is limited. MiCR developed a video for use by network partners and also identified several existing videos published by MillionHearts, Mayo Clinic, and others.

The MVC and BMC2 teams are looking forward to the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network's fall in-person meeting on Fri., Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the H Hotel in Midland. MyMichigan is serving as co-host for the event in collaboration with MiCR. Additional event details will be shared in the coming weeks. Those who were unable to attend the summer meeting can view the meeting recording [LINK] or meeting slides [LINK]. Please reach out to info@michigancr.org with any questions.

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MVC Introduces New Multi-Payer Cardiac Rehab Registry Reports

MVC Introduces New Multi-Payer Cardiac Rehab Registry Reports

The MVC Coordinating Center added four new multi-payer reports to its online registry in April. These new reports evaluate cardiac rehabilitation utilization and encompass all metrics previously provided annually in MVC’s hospital-level cardiac rehab push report for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), heart valve repair or replacement (SAVR or TAVR), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), and congestive heart failure (CHF). Each report reflects the most up-to-date available claims data from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) PPO Commercial, BCBSM PPO Medicare Advantage (MA), Blue Care Network (BCN) HMO Commercial, BCN MA, Medicare Fee-for-Service, and Medicaid insurance plans. Users may select any combination of cardiac conditions and insurance plans to assess in each report.

In addition to allowing dynamic selection of cardiac conditions and payers, the reports allow for customization of report date range (the span of episode start dates), episode length (the time period following each index event), and index place of service (e.g., inpatient, outpatient, emergency department). Users may also filter by patient characteristics including gender, age, and comorbidities (diagnoses prior to the index event). Other patient-level characteristics related to the reflected episode can also be filtered, including whether the patient was transferred during their index event, was diagnosed with COVID-19 during the index event or within 30 days post-discharge, and by certain diagnoses during the index event or within 90 days. Up to four comparison groups are offered for each figure: the collaborative-wide measure, MVC All; the measure among other hospitals in the region, Hospital Region; the measure among only hospitals of the same type, Acute Care/Critical Access Cohort; and the measure among other rural hospitals (if applicable), MHA Rural Hospital Cohort.

Cardiac Rehab Utilization Rates

The first of the four new report provides data on cardiac rehab utilization rates (Figure 1). This report includes a description of cardiac rehab benefits followed by two figures reflecting utilization rates among episodes of the desired condition and payer combinations after all selected filters have been applied. The first figure shows the overall rate of cardiac rehab compared to utilization goals set by the Michigan Cardiac Rehab network (MiCR) and Million Hearts®. The second figure shows utilization trends over time at the user’s hospital(s) and a selected comparison group. This full report and all other reports can be downloaded as a ready-to-print PDF or image file.

Figure 1. Cardiac Rehab Utilization Rates Report

Cardiac Rehab Utilization Rankings

The next report provides data on cardiac rehab utilization rankings, showcasing the ranked order of hospital-level utilization rates for a selected comparison group. For example, in Figure 2 there are data points for cardiac rehab utilization rates during AMI, CABG, PCI, SAVR, and TAVR episodes originating at MVC Hospitals A, B, and C between December 1, 2018, and November 30, 2023 compared to all other MVC general acute care hospitals. The average rate across all comparison hospitals is about 31%, and each point outlined in orange represents the rate at an individual comparison hospital. Again, this report and all others may be downloaded in a ready-to-share format.

Figure 2. Cardiac Rehab Utilization Rankings Report

The remaining new cardiac rehab registry reports provide visual hospital rankings in the same format as the utilization rankings report, but for two other measures: 1) mean days to first cardiac rehab visit, which ranks the average number of days from index discharge to patients’ first cardiac rehab visit (up to 365 days); and 2), mean number of cardiac rehab visits, which ranks the average number of cardiac rehab visits completed within a selected episode length. These reports offer the same dynamic filters and output capabilities.

All MVC registry users will have access to these reports to view the data for their site(s). If you do not have registry access and are interested in using the registry to view these data, you should complete MVC’s user access request form. If you have any questions or feedback about the new registry reports, please contact the Coordinating Center.

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MVC Celebrates Heart Month, Annual Cardiac Rehab Week

MVC Celebrates Heart Month, Annual Cardiac Rehab Week

Throughout February’s American Heart Month, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) has and will continue to provide cardiac rehab resources and information on behalf of the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR). This week, MVC also shared content as part of National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, joining other organizations across the country to promote the benefits of the program and share information on statewide initiatives. As cardiac rehab week comes to a close, MVC is proud to highlight recent activity.

The MiCR partnership was established by MVC and the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2), who have partnered in recent years to support quality improvement and innovation around cardiac rehabilitation participation. Although the strategies and initiatives have changed and expanded over time, the key goal remains: to equitably increase cardiac rehabilitation utilization among eligible patients across the state of Michigan. This week, MiCR sought to educate providers within the BMC2 and MVC collaborative about the benefits of the program, current statewide participation rates, and novel initiatives in place to support improvement.

One product highlighted this week was the MiCR cardiac rehab hospital-level push reports, which benchmark cardiac rehabilitation participation across the collaborative. The 2023 report highlighted significant variation in performance and also demonstrated that several hospitals in Michigan are already successfully reaching or exceeding goals for utilization (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Current MiCR resources, including both hospital-level cardiac rehab benchmarking reports and the MiCR Best Practices Toolkit, were designed to serve members in tracking hospital cardiac rehabilitation utilization and provide guidance to improve enrollment and adherence to the program; however, neither resource specifically investigated patient barriers to participation. To bolster successful referrals to cardiac rehabilitation in Michigan, MiCR recently partnered with Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan (HBOM) to launch a new program titled NewBeat. Designed to deliver heartfelt, pragmatic support to new cardiac rehabilitation patients, NewBeat is a multi-component intervention designed to address three common barriers to patient enrollment and participation: lack of education, unclear physician endorsements, and transportation access.

To address the first barrier, MiCR recently launched its website, which houses patient and provider-facing resources, MiCR event dates, and publications in one convenient location. The website already includes features such as a cardiac rehabilitation location finder and unified cardiac rehabilitation resources, but over the coming months will continue to expand.

There is research evidence that strong, personal physician referrals increase the likelihood of cardiac rehabilitation participation. For many patients, in fact, a personal referral is the only reason they sign up. Following the data, NewBeat’s second intervention component is its Cardiac Care Cards, which leverage the influence of cardiovascular providers in encouraging cardiac rehabilitation enrollment in a memorable and personal way. The cards, which can be saved and displayed on kitchen tables and refrigerators, serve as a reminder to patients that the care team understands their recovery process and supports them as they enter cardiac rehabilitation as the next step in their recovery (Figure 2). Hospitals and rehab program staff can request on the MiCR website.

Figure 2.

As the initiative continues to develop, NewBeat will grow to include patient success stories, provider-facing videos, and an informational handout on transportation resources.

One of MiCR’s key strategies in promoting the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation is fostering collaboration between providers and program staff. One of these opportunities is through an MVC workgroup series focused on cardiac rehabilitation, with the next session taking place at noon on Thurs., Feb. 22 (Figure 3). The workgroup will include a guest presentation by Devraj Sukul, MD, MSc, Co-Director of MiCR and Associate Director of BMC2 PCI. The presentation will feature recent findings about cardiac rehabilitation liaisons and their impact on patient enrollment. Register here to participate. MiCR also recently sent a save the date for its next stakeholder meeting, which will take place virtually on Fri., April 5, 10-11 a.m.

Figure 3.

MVC would like to thank everyone who contributed to Cardiac Rehabilitation Week this year. Advocating for cardiac rehabilitation continues to be a high priority for the MVC team, and the Coordinating Center is inspired by the recent growth and interest in this endeavor. Collectively, by promoting cardiac rehabilitation we can save lives and help patients in Michigan get back on their feet faster. Please contact the MVC team with any questions about attending future cardiac rehabilitation events or receiving related materials.

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Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network Hosts In-Person Stakeholder Meeting at Trinity Health

Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network Hosts In-Person Stakeholder Meeting at Trinity Health

The Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2) recently held a successful 2023 Fall Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR) Stakeholder Meeting on Fri., Nov. 17. This was the second in-person MiCR Stakeholder Meeting since MVC and BMC2 founded the MiCR partnership in 2022. The meeting brought together 63 individuals representing 28 organizations and was co-hosted by Trinity Health Ann Arbor’s cardiac rehab team.

The day’s agenda accounted for a variety of topics, including updates and material releases by the MiCR team, presentations and panel discussions about the new MVC and BMC2 pay-for-performance measures for cardiac rehab (see slides), advice and updates about cardiac rehab billing (see slides), recent findings about liaison-mediated referrals and their impact on cardiac rehab participation after percutaneous coronary intervention (see slides), and breakout groups to help brainstorm opportunities within various focus areas.

One unique and memorable aspect of the day was the ability to learn from the meeting’s hosts, Trinity Health Ann Arbor. Professional representatives from the site included Frank Smith, MD, Medical Director of the Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program for the Ann Arbor and Livingston locations, and Mansoor Qureshi, MD, Medical Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab and Structural Heart Program for Ann Arbor, who provided opening remarks about the importance of facilitating provider buy-in and referrals. They emphasized cardiac rehab as a key high-value service to improve patient lives. Their slides can be viewed here.

They were also joined by Amy Preston, BS, CEP, Cardiac Rehab Manager and Exercise Physiologist, who organized optional tours of the Trinity Ann Arbor rehab space. Nearly all the meeting’s attendees opted to participate in the tours to learn about the unique spaces and strategies utilized at Trinity.

The MiCR team was also thrilled to announce the launch of New Beat, a multi-component intervention developed in partnership with the Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan (HBOM) team (see slides). The New Beat program’s interventions address specific barriers to patient participation, such as gaps in patient or physician knowledge about benefits, the need for stronger physician endorsement, and access issues resulting from transportation barriers. The offerings developed by MiCR and HBOM to support these New Beat strategies include MiCR’s new website (MichiganCR.org), patient- and provider-facing educational materials, cardiac care cards that can be signed by providers and delivered to patient rooms prior to discharge (Figure 1), and an Uber Health pilot. In particular, please note that the interest form on the MiCR website is now open for those interested in accessing these resources or requesting others.

Figure 1.

As of the Nov. 17 meeting, the 2024 CMS reimbursement rules for cardiac rehab had not been announced. Once they are, MiCR will help share those updates and related resources with its contacts. Please reach out to info@michigancr.org with any questions.

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Members to Receive Refreshed Preoperative Testing Reports

Members to Receive Refreshed Preoperative Testing Reports

MVC hospital members will soon receive their second preoperative testing push report of 2023, providing an opportunity to benchmark progress on reducing low-value testing rates within their facility. MVC first introduced its preoperative testing push reports in 2021 to support members in reducing this low-value practice. Ordering these tests before low-risk elective and outpatient procedures often provides no clinical benefits to patients but is ordered regularly at hospitals across Michigan.

Similar to the report distributed earlier this year, members will continue to see their rates across various tests for three elective and outpatient procedures: laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, and lumpectomy. Claims were evaluated in the 30 days before the procedures for the following common tests: electrocardiogram (ECGs), echocardiogram, cardiac stress test, complete blood count, basic and comprehensive metabolic panel, coagulation studies, urinalysis, chest x-ray, and pulmonary function with index admissions from 1/1/2021 through 12/31/2022. This refreshed push report exclusively utilizes claims from the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and Blue Care Network (BCN) plans. Members will receive reports if they have at least 11 index admissions in one of the three conditions and at least 20 admissions across all three conditions during the reporting period.

Like other MVC push reports, members will see a patient population snapshot table that identifies rates for preoperative testing and no preoperative testing in patients with varying demographic characteristics (Figure 1). Compared to the version received by hospitals this summer, the latest version of this report now also includes testing rates among patients who identified as Hispanic or American Indian/Alaska Native. On average, patients who had preoperative testing were older and had more than one comorbidity than patients who had no preoperative testing.

Figure 1.

Members will see their average testing rate across all three procedures, as well as their rate for each specific procedure (Figure 2). A hospital’s combined rate can easily be compared with the average for that hospital’s geographic region within the state of Michigan as well as the collaborative-wide average. This figure showcases the wide variability across the collaborative in average testing rates across procedures—some in the collaborative have an average testing rate close to 10% and some nearly 100%.

Figure 2.

The next figure in the report showcases overall preoperative testing rates by six-month intervals for 2021 and 2022. It includes data points for the MVC average and regional comparison groups (Figure 3), with evidence of very little change in overall testing rates over time when looking at all three procedures combined.

Figure 3.

Although the overall rate across the collaborative has been steady, MVC has identified shifts in testing rates for individual members. To support members in tracking these changes, a caterpillar plot is also included that depicts the absolute change in any preoperative testing from 2021 to 2022 (Figure 4). Members can see the percentage change—positive or negative—in their annual testing rate from 2021 to 2022 for a specific procedure, as well as how their absolute change compares to the rest of the collaborative. This figure showcases that although the collaborative is not seeing much change in its overall rates for any testing over time, individual members might see greater variability over time for specific tests or procedures, especially in instances of low case counts. Overall, MVC observed slight reductions in the average collaborative-wide procedure-specific testing rates from 2021 to 2022 for all three surgical procedures, with the highest reduction observed among lumpectomy episodes (-6.2%).

Figure 4.

Members will also be able to take deeper dives into their rates for specific tests (Figure 5) in the figures that make up the remaining pages of the report. Viewing one’s preoperative testing rates for each specific test can help members understand if any specific tests are driving their overall testing rate or are ordered more frequently than the majority of their peers.

Figure 5.

MVC is eager to drive improvement in this area and encourages members to visit the Waive the Workup resource website developed in partnership with the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative (MSQC) and the Michigan Program on Value Enhancement (MPrOVE). If you are interested in a more customized report, please contact the MVC Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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MVC Calls Attention to Research, Resources During Week-Long Preoperative Testing Campaign

MVC Calls Attention to Research, Resources During Week-Long Preoperative Testing Campaign

Prior to surgery, most Michigan patients will undergo a series of tests, such as blood draws, urinalysis, chest x-rays, or electrocardiograms (ECGs/EKGs). Many of these tests are unnecessary for healthy patients undergoing low-risk procedures such as groin hernia repair. Routine preoperative testing is widely considered a low-value service, and yet a majority of hospitals continue to order these tests. In an effort to drive improvement in this area, MVC hosted its second annual preoperative testing awareness campaign this week.

“For a patient, it is key they get the right amount of preoperative assessment,” said Dr. Michael Englesbe, professor of surgery at the University of Michigan, director of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan-funded Collaborative Quality Initiatives, director of the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative (MSQC), and co-director of the Michigan Opioid Prescribing and Engagement Network (Michigan OPEN). “Too little testing and important risks may be missed, too much and patients may be exposed to critical risks of unnecessary testing and delays in care.”

MVC’s Coordinating Center supports preoperative testing de-implementation in several ways. One is providing opportunities for MVC’s members to collaborate and learn from one another. This year MVC launched a workgroup series focused on preoperative testing, the first of which took place in March. As part of its campaign this week, MVC promoted the next session in this workgroup series, set to take place Tues., Aug. 1, from 1-2 p.m. featuring guest speaker Nick Berlin, MD, MPH, MS. Those interested in this topic should register to attend here.

Another key strategy MVC uses to support preoperative testing de-implementation is through data analysis and reporting. MVC analysts utilize administrative claims data to calculate testing rates in the preoperative period, and then share these results with members as reports or as unblinded data at collaborative-wide meetings. More recently, MVC partnered with MSQC to distribute these reports more widely to support cross-collaboration between clinical and quality personnel at a given site.

These reports are an invaluable resource in benchmarking the extent of the issue statewide, says Dr. Hari Nathan, MVC’s director and the chief of hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery at Michigan Medicine. “MVC data can be used by hospitals and providers to understand how their rates of preoperative testing compare to those of other hospitals in Michigan,” he said. “By focusing on a homogeneous cohort of healthy patients undergoing common, low-risk surgical procedures, MVC benchmarks can help all hospitals understand where they have an opportunity to improve, regardless of facility size, resources, or patient population.”

Across the collaborative, MVC sees wide variation in preoperative testing for low-risk elective surgeries like hernia repairs and lumpectomies, with testing rates among young, healthy patients ranging from 10% to 97% across MVC hospitals. This level of interhospital variation is evidence that many hospitals in Michigan are safely performing low-risk surgeries without widespread preoperative testing and that even those hospitals with average rates likely have room to safely reduce their testing further.

MVC also sees quite a bit of intrahospital variation, with certain surgeries driving the overall preoperative testing rate at a given site. Based on the findings of its latest report, one potential area of focus for sites may be reducing the rate of cardiac testing; the rate of ECGs is quite variable across the collaborative and could lead to a cascade of care.

MVC shared its refreshed preoperative testing push report with members in April and also held a report review webinar in June to review the measures included. This webinar also included advice from Dr. Nathan about how to take action using this data. Dr. Nathan promoted several new resources developed in partnership by MSQC, the Michigan Program on Value Enhancement (MPrOVE), and MVC. These include a customizable decision aid (Figure 1), which sites can download to add their branding or modify. It is accompanied by a similarly customizable preoperative testing reference chart (Figure 2).

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Both of these resources are currently housed on a new Waive the Workup de-implementation resource website managed by MPrOVE, MSQC, and MVC. In addition to pages for the decision aid and chart, the site also offers talking points for debunking common myths about preoperative testing. For instance, one common counterargument to reducing preoperative testing prior to low-risk surgery is a perception that there’s no harm in ordering them, either because they are relatively inexpensive or because they are not invasive tests.

On the contrary, research has established substantial financial costs and risks to patient harm because of preoperative testing, which can and should be safely reduced. Mihir Surapaneni, BBA, a medical student at the University of Michigan Medical School, has been conducting research with MVC on preoperative testing and its impact. “One of the major theories for why there’s so much variability—and indeed just a high utilization rate—for preoperative testing is that there’s no perceived downside,” Surapaneni said. “Many of these tests are relatively cheap compared to the total cost of healthcare and indeed most of them cost no more to the patient than a stick of blood, but we really have to consider that there are costs. Preoperative testing costs billions of dollars in the United States healthcare system annually, and when you consider how strained the healthcare system is and how much of an onus there is on payers and the government to decrease costs, this really adds up. And secondly, we have to consider the possibility of testing cascades—which has been well-documented—in that a patient comes in having an abnormal lab value or test that actually had nothing to do with their intended surgery, and this leads to more and more tests which are expensive and potentially invasive. And finally, we have to consider that there’s established literature showing that even when an abnormality is found in a routine preoperative test, these abnormalities: 1) rarely impact the clinical course of the patient, and 2) rarely lead to actual substantive change in that patient’s care. And I think that we really have to consider these when we’re deciding whether or not we want to test our patients routinely.”

In addition to registering for the Aug. 1 workgroup, MVC has a third preoperative testing workgroup session scheduled for Oct. 26, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. The Oct. session will be a forum for sharing current successes or initiatives underway across the collaborative. If your hospital has a current initiative underway on preoperative testing de-implementation or has a low average testing rate, MVC would love to learn from you. Please reach out to the MVC team if you’d be interested in sharing your site’s story on Oct. 26.

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MVC’s 2023 Cardiac Rehabilitation Reports Shared with Hospitals

MVC’s 2023 Cardiac Rehabilitation Reports Shared with Hospitals

Participation in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs is a crucial strategy for improving cardiac health outcomes. Participation reduces the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular-specific mortality, reduces readmissions, and enhances the patient’s quality of life. Despite the identifiable benefits, Michigan patients underutilize this high-value program, falling well below the 70% participation goal set by the Million Hearts Initiative. Therefore, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) and several of its partners have identified CR as a high-value service for which they endeavor to drive improvement.

In support of this effort, MVC recently distributed the 2023 version of its CR reports to members with data on CR-eligible patients following discharge for heart attack (AMI), heart valve repair or replacement (TAVR or SAVR), coronary artery bypass procedure (CABG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and congestive heart failure (CHF). These reports were generated using MVC claims-based episodes of care with patient index admissions between 1/1/19-12/31/21 for multiple insurance plans, including Blue Care Network (BCN) HMO Commercial, BCN Medicare Advantage, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) PPO Commercial, BCBSM Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Fee-for-Service.

Hospitals received data on a specific procedure or condition if they had no fewer than 20 cases in the reporting period for that condition/procedure. The report pages include figures for a variety of CR metrics, including participation rates after discharge, quarterly trends in participation between 2019-2021, mean days to first CR visit among participating patients, and the mean number of visits completed among participating patients.

MVC generates these hospital-level reports as a product of the Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation (MiCR) Network, a partnership between MVC, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2), and the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative (MSTCVS-QC). The MiCR Network strives to increase participation in CR for all eligible individuals in Michigan.

Given the current status of CR participation across the state, the MiCR Network is tracking progress toward two utilization goals: 1) for 40% of all eligible AMI, TAVR, SAVR, CABG, and PCI (referred to as the “Main 5”) patients to attend at least one CR session within 90 days of their hospital discharge, and 2) for 10% of all eligible CHF patients to attend a single CR session within one year of a CHF-related hospitalization.

In developing these reports, MVC found that the collaborative-wide average participation rate within 90 days of discharge for the "Main 5" procedures was approximately 36%, below the statewide goal of 40%. Similarly, MVC’s analysis found 3.2% of eligible CHF patients participated within 365 days of discharge, 6.8% below the statewide MiCR goal of 10%.

The report also offers patient population demographics intended to help hospitals identify disparities in participation. Research evidence suggests that white males are more likely to utilize CR than women or patients of color, likely due to several socioeconomic and cultural factors. Hospitals are encouraged to consider any gaps showcased in their demographic snapshot and consider the provision of additional, tailored strategies that increase referral and participation among those patients.

Other high-level findings from the report included varying averages in CR participation by the procedure type. CABG and SAVR, more clinically invasive procedures, had the highest utilization rates at 54.9% and 51.3% respectively, whereas patients being treated for the chronic condition of CHF were the least likely to attend (3.2%). There is also wide interhospital variation in utilization rates for each procedure. For example, the collaborative-wide CR utilization rate after PCI is 32%, but hospital rates range from just above 10% to nearly 60% (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

This variation aligns with published research on hospital-level variation in CR referral, even after accounting for patient characteristics, insurance status, and clustering within operators and hospitals. It also demonstrates that quality improvement is possible, with multiple sites in the collaborative excelling.

Several of the Collaborative’s top-performing sites and experts worked together last year to develop the MiCR Best Practices Toolkit. It includes several evidence-based strategies for increasing enrollment and participation, with step-by-step guidance and resources. Among the various best practices, there are pages dedicated to automating inpatient referrals, early and flexible scheduling approaches, and strategies that help reduce participation barriers for patients (e.g., lack of transportation, lack of reimbursement for CR sessions, etc.).

MVC encourages those working in this space to save the date for the MiCR Fall Stakeholder Meeting in Ann Arbor on Friday, October 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is a valuable opportunity to connect with peers and experts who can offer support or resources. Please contact the MVC Coordinating Center if you are interested in attending and haven't received the event's Save the Date, or if you would like more details on this report and other upcoming CR events.

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Latest MVC Push Reports and Resources Draw Attention to Low-Value Preoperative Testing

Latest MVC Push Reports and Resources Draw Attention to Low-Value Preoperative Testing

This week MVC distributed its first of two preoperative testing push reports of 2023, providing members with an opportunity to benchmark their testing practices. MVC first introduced its preoperative testing push reports in 2021 to help members reduce the use of unnecessary testing for surgical procedures. Preoperative testing for low-risk surgeries, especially for young and healthy patients, often provides no clinical benefits yet is ordered regularly at hospitals across Michigan.

The report distributed this week had many similarities to versions distributed last year, namely that members continued to see their rates across a variety of tests for three elective, low-risk procedures performed in outpatient settings: laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, and lumpectomy. Claims were evaluated for the index event as well as 30 days prior to the procedures for the following common tests: electrocardiogram (ECGs), echocardiogram, cardiac stress test, complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, coagulation studies, urinalysis, chest x-ray, and pulmonary function.

The latest report utilizes claims from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and Blue Care Network (BCN) plans exclusively, including both the commercial and Medicare Advantage plans. This allows members to see MVC’s most up-to-date data, which includes episodes with index admissions from 7/1/2020 through 6/30/2022. Members only received reports if they had 11 or more cases in at least one of the three conditions and at least 20 cases across all three conditions.

The reports received by members this week included a patient snapshot table that defined rates for preoperative testing and no preoperative testing in patients of varying races as well as those with zero, one, or two or more comorbidities. Generally speaking, patients with no comorbidities were more likely to have no preoperative testing than patients with one or more comorbidities. There were also observed differences in testing by age; patients who had preoperative testing were older on average than patients who had no preoperative testing.

A key finding in the report is the average testing rate for all three procedures combined for the entire collaborative, which continues to showcase the wide variability across hospitals in Michigan. Some in the collaborative have an average testing rate close to 10% and some nearly 100% (Figure 1). Individual hospitals receiving a report will see on this figure where they fall compared to other hospitals in the collaborative, as well as their average rate for the three separate procedures to help deduce which procedure is driving their average rate.

Figure 1.

Another trend that continued in this April 2023 report is the consistency of average testing rates for combined procedures over time. A trend graph showed members how their overall rate for any preoperative testing compared in 2020, 2021, and the first half of 2022, with data points for their hospital, the MVC average, and their regional comparison group (Figure 2). There continues to be very little change in testing rates over time when looking at aggregated preoperative testing practices. The prevalence of low-value preoperative testing has remained high on average across the collaborative for three years and likely longer.

Figure 2.

A third figure included in this report shows the absolute change in the rate of any preoperative testing for their hospital’s highest volume surgical condition among laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, and lumpectomy (Figure 3). In this figure, positive values represent an increase in annual preoperative testing from 7/1/2020 to 6/30/2022, and negative values represent a decrease. The MVC average for this metric was -2.3%, so there was a small net decrease in the average rate of any testing in that time period. Once again, the variation across the collaborative was notable, with some hospitals seeing greater than 40% swings in either direction – though some sites may see drastic changes to their rates if case counts are smaller.

Figure 3.

The remaining figures in the report provide preoperative testing rates for specific types of tests, with caterpillar plots for each condition to help benchmark performance to other hospitals across the state. The types of tests with the highest average testing rates across conditions are blood tests—which include complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, and coagulation tests—and electrocardiography tests. For a majority of hospitals, their testing rates are highest within the lumpectomy patient population regardless of test type, with the exception of urinalysis testing rates that are heavily driven by the cholecystectomy population.

The last time MVC shared preoperative testing reports was in July 2022, and since then MVC contributed to and launched resources to help healthcare providers implement changes. MVC members now have access to a sample preoperative testing decision aid for low-risk surgeries, developed in partnership with the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative (MSQC) and the Michigan Program on Value Enhancement (MPrOVE), and MVC (Figure 4). The decision aid also comes with a supplemental suggested preoperative testing chart that identifies which tests are recommended for patients who are classified by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) as Class III or above and undergoing low-risk surgery (Figure 5). Both resources are intended as guides and can be downloaded in their original file formats so hospitals may edit and adapt them within their institution. These resources were developed with input from one institution’s surgery, anesthesiology, and preoperative clinic teams, and based on clinical recommendations put forth by a number of professional societies.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

These resources were added to a new resource website developed in partnership with MPrOVE, MSQC, and MVC. The goal of the site is to help providers safely “waive the workup” by providing the latest research, national recommendations, arguments against common myths, and frequently asked questions.

In addition, the MVC team is holding several workgroups in 2023 dedicated to preoperative testing. The first took place on March 15 and was heavily attended by MSQC and MVC members working to reduce preoperative testing as part of their P4P programs. A full recording of the workgroup is available here. MVC also has a preoperative testing workgroup scheduled for August 1, from 1-2 p.m., featuring guest presenter Nick Berlin, MD, MPH, MS, who has published several papers on patterns and determinants of low-value preoperative testing. A third preoperative testing workgroup is tentatively scheduled for October 26, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sites are encouraged to attend these events in order to learn best practices and collaborate with peers on common barriers.

For additional analysis or consultation on your hospital’s preoperative testing rates or practices, reach out to the MVC team for assistance at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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Follow-Up After CHF, Cardiac Rehab Top New Value Metric Selections for P4P PYs 24-25

Follow-Up After CHF, Cardiac Rehab Top New Value Metric Selections for P4P PYs 24-25

In the final months of 2022, the MVC team distributed metric selection reports for Program Years 2024 and 2025 of the MVC Component of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program. These reports were provided in conjunction with details pertaining to the selection process as well as changes to the program structure, scoring methodology, and cohort assignments for the upcoming two-year cycle.

Eligible hospital members were tasked with reviewing these reports and returning their selections in recent months. MVC has now received metric selections for PYs 2024 and 2025. This program cycle will award a maximum score of 10 points, made up of a maximum of four points from an episode spending metric, a maximum of four points from a value metric (a new component), and a maximum of two points from engagement activities completed in the program year (the calendar year following the performance year). Each participating hospital selected one of the six available conditions for the 30-day episode payment component: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), colectomy (non-cancer), congestive heart failure (CHF), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), joint replacement, and pneumonia. The episode spending metric that the most hospitals selected was joint replacement (32), followed by CHF (20). No sites selected colectomy. See Figure 1 for a depiction of the total selections for each condition.

Figure 1.

The distribution in episode spending selections was consistent when stratified by MVC region of Michigan; joint replacement was the top choice within all four MVC regions, and CHF was generally the next most common. However, Region 1 (which constitutes Northern Michigan) had a smaller percentage of sites select CHF, with a slight preference for pneumonia. In addition, hospitals located in Region 4 (southeast Michigan) were more likely to select COPD (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Brand new in PYs 2024-2025 will be value metrics, which are evidence-based, actionable measures with variability across the state. Hospitals will be rewarded for high rates of high-value services or low rates of low-value services. Seven value metrics were available for hospitals to choose from: cardiac rehabilitation after CABG, cardiac rehabilitation after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), seven-day follow-up after CHF, 14-day follow-up after COPD, seven-day follow-up after pneumonia, preoperative testing, and risk-adjusted readmission after sepsis. The preoperative testing value metric is composed of a group of three low-risk procedures: cholecystectomy, hernia repair, and lumpectomy. Each preoperative testing procedure will be scored separately, and points for that value metric will be awarded based on the highest points achieved for a hospital’s eligible procedures.

In its first year offering a value metric, MVC found that seven-day follow-up after CHF was selected by the most participants (25). Metrics related to cardiac rehabilitation participation accounted for 23 selections; 17 sites selected cardiac rehabilitation after PCI and five selected cardiac rehabilitation after CABG (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

There was more variation by MVC region for value metric selections than for episode spending selections (Figure 4). In Region 1 (Northern Michigan), seven-day follow-up after pneumonia was the most common selection. Nearly all the sites located in Region 2 (west Michigan) selected seven-day follow-up after CHF—this metric accounted for 71% of selections in this part of the state. Region 3 (mid-Michigan and the thumb region) had more sites select risk-adjusted readmission after sepsis, but Region 3 had a more even distribution of selections across the available metrics than Regions 1 or 2. Finally, Region 4 (southeast Michigan) had selections for all the available value metrics. Region 4 also had the most interest in 14-day follow-up after COPD.

Figure 4.

Two of MVC’s new value metrics align with existing value campaigns for which MVC is offering additional support. MVC established campaigns for both cardiac rehabilitation and preoperative testing in October 2020. Since then, MVC has developed reports on these two areas of healthcare utilization, which have historically been shared biannually. In addition, beginning in 2023, MVC is offering workgroups tailored to these value metrics. MVC’s first cardiac rehabilitation workgroup of 2023 took place on Feb. 16 during cardiac rehabilitation week featuring guest presentations by Haley Stolp of Million Hearts and Mike Thompson, PhD, MPH, Co-Director of MVC and Co-Director of the Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation Network. A full recording of this session is available here. MVC’s first preoperative testing workgroup of 2023 will take place next week on Wed., March 15, from 1-2 p.m., featuring MVC Director Hari Nathan, MD, PhD. Those interested in learning about ready-to-use tools and strategies for the de-implementation of low-value testing may register here. Attending hospital sites will be encouraged to share their experience thus far with quality improvement related to preoperative testing, such as resources in use or in development and common barriers to change.

P4P cohorts were reassigned for PYs 2024 and 2025. Those cohort assignments and the new technical document have been published on the MVC website’s P4P page. The cohorts were not intended to group hospitals that are exactly alike; rather, they create a reasonably comparable grouping from which MVC can complete statistical analyses.

MVC’s P4P measure began in 2018 when BCBSM allocated 10% of its P4P program to an episode of care spending metric based on MVC data. If you would like to receive notices about the MVC workgroups or have questions about any aspect of the MVC Component of the BCBSM P4P Program, please contact the MVC Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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MVC Resources Shared During Latest Cardiac Rehab Week

MVC Resources Shared During Latest Cardiac Rehab Week

Last week, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) joined others across the country in celebrating Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, a time to promote the value of this life-saving program. Now with the week-long promotional campaign complete and the end of February’s American Heart Month approaching, MVC is proud to share some of its recent activity.

Cardiac rehabilitation has been a priority for MVC since 2020 when the Coordinating Center identified it as a focus area for which it would provide dedicated data and resources. Therefore, in celebrating Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, MVC sought to educate stakeholders about the program’s benefits, current utilization rates at hospitals across the state, and initiatives currently underway to improve patient participation.

One of MVC’s key strategies was the facilitation of a special cardiac rehabilitation workgroup, which featured presentations by MVC Co-Director Mike Thompson, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Michigan Medicine, and Haley Stolp, MPH, Health Scientist at Million Hearts®, about state-level and nationwide strategies to improve enrollment. The session summarized much of the evidence behind the value and impact of cardiac rehabilitation and helped orient attendees to the current state of patient participation in Michigan. Both speakers highlighted their organization’s goals for participation rates in the future, as well as the resources available to providers interested in implementing initiatives in their setting. A full recording of the workgroup was made available on MVC’s social media channels and was shared with all registrants (Figure 1).

This workgroup provided detailed evidence of the benefits of participating in cardiac rehabilitation while recovering from a number of cardiac events or procedures. However, one of the reasons why this program is so heavily underutilized—currently only about 30% of eligible Michigan patients enroll—is a lack of awareness about what it is and its value. Both patients and providers often don’t have a complete understanding. Therefore, MVC created an introductory video outlining the program’s components and encouraged members to spread the word by sharing the video with their colleagues and patients.

MVC also recently announced a new program structure for future cycles of the MVC Component of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program, which included the adoption of a new value metric scoring component for Program Years 2024 and 2025. Value metrics are evidence-based, actionable measures that show variability across the state; hospitals will be rewarded for high rates of high-value services or low rates of low-value services. Over one-quarter of hospitals that returned metric selections to the MVC Coordinating Center will be scored in part on their facility’s achievements and improvements for cardiac rehabilitation utilization. The MVC team hopes its adoption of a P4P metric focused on cardiac rehab will incentivize continued emphasis and growth.  Learn more.

Furthermore, all MVC hospital members will continue to receive MVC’s cardiac rehabilitation push reports as part of its work on behalf of the Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation Network (MiCR). These reports showcase wide variability in cardiac rehabilitation participation across the collaborative, with some members meeting the recommended levels and some well below. Many members, therefore, have valuable insights that could help a peer to enroll more patients. These report findings were highlighted last week. In the coming months, MVC plans to approach high-performing members to request advice and tools for the benefit of the broader collaborative.

Hospitals interested in improving their participation rates are encouraged to also review the MiCR Best Practices Toolkit for guidance. It was developed in partnership with providers and experts across Michigan as well as the BMC2 Coordinating Center. It highlights specific interventions that support patient enrollment, continued attendance, and flexible program structures. Several pages are centered on physician referrals, which some researchers have found increases the likelihood of participation. MVC promoted this message last week (see Figure 2) to emphasize the importance of a strong physician endorsement during patient interactions. For many patients, this is the only reason they sign up.

Figure 2.

MVC is grateful to the many providers, partners, and other stakeholders who contributed to Cardiac Rehabilitation Week this year. It continues to be a high priority for the MVC team, and the Coordinating Center is excited about the growing emphasis and interest in this area of high-value care. Together, we can save lives by equitably increasing participation in cardiac rehabilitation for all eligible individuals in Michigan. Please contact the MVC team with any questions about attending future cardiac rehabilitation events or receiving related materials.