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HMS CQI Receives Endorsements from National Quality Forum

HMS CQI Receives Endorsements from National Quality Forum

Michigan healthcare systems and professionals have the unique opportunity to leverage a portfolio of Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQIs), all working diligently to support collaboration and data sharing. Together with their partners, these CQIs improve the quality and value of healthcare in Michigan and beyond. One such CQI achieved a momentous distinction in January 2023 when the National Quality Forum (NQF) recognized the Michigan Hospital Medicine Safety Consortium (HMS) with two prestigious endorsements for measures that can reduce unnecessary antibiotic use.

“We are incredibly proud of the work our collaborative has accomplished to date,” said Dr. Scott Flanders, MD, HMS Program Director. “Having two of our quality measures validated by the National Quality Forum reinforces the value of our work in Michigan and across the nation.”

The focus of these measures relates to two common and costly hospital incidents: inappropriate diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitalized medical patients, and inappropriate diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) in hospitalized medical patients. HMS’s work in this space began in 2017 when the Joint Commission launched required standards for hospital antimicrobial stewardship. The HMS team, led by infectious disease physician Dr. Tejal Gandhi, partnered with experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop and validate related quality measures across a diverse set of hospitals. The primary aim of this work was to prevent the use of unnecessary antibiotics, which can lead to adverse events, antibiotic resistance, and delays in diagnosing underlying conditions. Since antimicrobial use is broad within the hospital setting, HMS first narrowed its scope to CAP and UTIs, which accounted for up to 50% of antibiotic use in general hospitalized patients. The HMS team collected hospital data on the appropriate duration of treatment for patients with uncomplicated CAP as well as testing and treatment of asymptomatic patients with a UTI. The CDC already uses HMS collaborative-wide improvement rates to set national targets.

In the early years of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Value Partnership program, several CQIs were actively partnering with hospitals on various aspects and types of surgery. However, this failed to account for the care of hospitalized medical patients, who are at risk for adverse events and account for over 50% of healthcare costs. In response, HMS was established with the aim to help Michigan hospitals improve patient safety and care quality for hospitalized medical patients (i.e., general medicine, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, pharmacy, vascular access, etc.). HMS supports hospitals via rigorous data collection and analysis, as well as collaboration on best practice implementation.

Since its formation, the HMS team has achieved many substantial successes throughout its tenure. Long before its antibiotic stewardship initiative, HMS had significant success working on venous thromboembolism (VTE). The collaborative helped hospitals make significant gains by increasing rates of VTE risk assessment, increasing pharmacologic prophylaxis in at-risk patients, and increasing the use of mechanical prophylaxis in patients with contraindications for pharmaceutical prophylaxis. The HMS VTE initiative has since been retired, though resources are still available here.

In 2014, HMS pivoted into other areas of patient safety when members voted to focus on the appropriate use of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) and measuring complication rates associated with these devices, led by hospitalist Dr. Vineet Chopra. At the time, the use of these devices was growing and there were few evidence-based best practices to support indications for use and management of complications. Together with national experts and collaborative members, HMS developed guidelines for the use of devices in different scenarios, a resource known as the Michigan Appropriate Guide to Intravenous Catheters (MAGIC) that was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. This toolkit is used across the world to determine appropriate catheter device use and is offered in conjunction with other PICC quality improvement resources on the HMS website here.

In conjunction with its PICC initiative, HMS later adopted a focus on the appropriate use and complication rates for midlines. While doing quality work related to PICCs, a number of HMS member hospitals noticed significant use of midlines at their hospitals. HMS leveraged its unique ability to collect data on midline use across its membership to understand complication rates, which resulted in the development of the HMS Midline Toolkit available here.

More recently in 2021, HMS launched a new sepsis initiative at 12 volunteer pilot sites, collecting data to assess the care of patients diagnosed with sepsis, led by intensivist Dr. Hallie Prescott. The initiative was introduced to the remaining HMS-member hospitals in January 2023. The sepsis initiative focuses on the care of sepsis patients during the entire continuum of care, including on admission/early diagnosis, inpatient hospitalization, discharge, and 90 days post-hospitalization.

The Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) and HMS teams have partnered several times over the years, especially on recent sepsis-related initiatives. Developed in partnership with HMS, MVC developed and shared a sepsis report with MVC and HMS member hospitals in 2021 and 2022, providing insights on measures such as 90-day price-standardized total episode payments, inpatient length of stay, ICU/CCU utilization, 90-day post-acute care utilization, and 90-day readmission rates. Both CQIs hoped to facilitate cross-collaboration between clinical and quality personnel on the identification of patterns, opportunities, and strategies related to care for sepsis patients. MVC and HMS have also partnered on various matching exercises designed to bring MVC’s robust administrative claims data together with HMS’s clinically rich abstracted data to further inform quality improvement efforts.

Projects focused on such a large, diverse patient population inherently come with complex challenges. One challenge is the need for HMS to engage all areas of the hospital, generating buy-in among those individuals treating hospitalized medical patients. At the outset, HMS primarily engaged with member hospitals and hospitalists. However, over the last several years the collaborative has increasingly engaged muti-disciplinary stakeholders, such as infectious disease physicians, critical care physicians, emergency medicine, infection preventionists, pharmacists, vascular access experts, interventional radiologists, nursing, and hospital leadership.

As evidenced by its recent endorsement and focus areas to date, the work of the HMS team impacts the majority of patients treated at Michigan hospitals and beyond. With a focus on improving care for hospitalized patients, there are also many other possible focus areas for quality improvement on the horizon. For more information on HMS, visit their website.

As MVC continues to build its offerings for members, the MVC Coordinating Center is cognizant that hospitals and providers partner with multiple CQIs. Throughout 2023, MVC will post quarterly blogs about some of its peer CQIs to showcase their activities and highlight collaborations with MVC. Please reach out to the MVC Coordinating Center with questions.

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MVC to Honor Medical Pioneers for February’s Black History Month

MVC to Honor Medical Pioneers for February’s Black History Month

Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the triumphs and reflect on the struggles of African American or Black persons throughout the history of the United States. In honor of this celebration, the MVC team is highlighting some of the Black pioneers who opened doors to medical fields and advanced the field of health through research.

It seems logical to begin by highlighting the work of James McCune Smith (Figure 1), notably America’s first Black physician. He received a medical degree from the University of Glasgow in 1837, when African Americans were denied admission to medical schools in the U.S. He also later became the first Black man to operate a pharmacy as well as the first Black author to be published in a medical journal. He applied his scientific mind and expertise to debunking poor science, outdated assumptions, and racist theories related to African Americans. As an abolitionist and close friend of Frederick Douglass, he wrote the introduction to Douglass' book, My Bondage and My Freedom.

Figure 1.

He was followed by many inspiring African American and Black healthcare providers who made history in their respective fields. There were leaders such as Daniel Hale Williams (1856-1931), who founded the Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses in Chicago, America’s first Black-owned and interracial hospital. He is also known for having performed the world’s first successful heart operation, which saved the life of a man who had been stabbed in the chest.

Then there was Robert F. Boyd (1858-1912) who in 1895 co-founded the National Medical Association, the nation’s oldest and largest organization representing Black physicians and health care professionals. He served as its first president.

Alexa Canady (Figure 2), born in 1950, is also a Black physician of great strength and impact. She fought her way into one of the most competitive and exclusive fields of medicine when she became the first Black female neurosurgeon in the U.S. in 1981. She is an alumnus of the University of Michigan Medical School who specialized in pediatric surgery. She became chief of neurosurgery at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan from 1987 until her retirement in June 2001.

Figure 2.

As representation and institutional support grew, so too did the voice of African Americans in published medical research. Prominent physician and researcher Charles Richard Drew (1904-1950) studied blood transfusions and helped develop large-scale blood banks deployed during World War II. Patricia Bath (1942-2019), an ophthalmologist dedicated to blindness prevention in marginalized communities, was the first Black female physician to be awarded a medical patent for her invention of a laser cataract treatment.

A wealth of researchers working today dedicate their expertise to studying disparities, race, and ethnicity in healthcare. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) honored Black History Month recently by highlighting the work of its grantees. Dr. Fabian Johnston, for instance, studies early utilization of palliative care for African Americans using culturally informed patient navigation, and Dr. Mya Lee Roberson evaluates geographic variation in breast cancer surgical outcomes among Black women in the South. AHRQ’s spotlight for Black History Month also includes an expansive list of recent research findings and publications related to race and health equity.

These professionals and countless others had a profound impact on medicine, research, and society. However, Black History Month is also a time to acknowledge the struggles and ongoing challenges experienced by the African American and Black communities. While much of the 20th and 21st centuries allowed for a series of “firsts,” they also bore witness to abhorrent racism that resulted in gruesome experiments, forced sterilizations, harmful research studies, and undertreatment for pain. As a result, there is rampant mistrust of the healthcare system within the Black community, even among some medical professionals. This was evident throughout the COVID-19 pandemic; hospitalized patients who did not trust healthcare providers were less likely to believe they were at increased risk of severe illness and were less likely to become vaccinated.

The MVC Coordinating Center is committed to emphasizing equitable care in Michigan by providing members with equity metrics and collaboration opportunities. The MVC team set several concrete goals to share research findings and resources throughout 2023 in service of members’ equity-related initiatives. Some of these resources may be used to build communication and trust with patients and solicit their input on healthcare practices.

In addition, those who follow MVC on Twitter or LinkedIn will see additional stories about African American medical pioneers throughout the remainder of February. If you have a colleague or individual you would like to nominate to be featured this month, please contact the MVC Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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MVC and MHA Keystone Center Partner to Develop New Statewide Childbirth Outcomes Report

MVC and MHA Keystone Center Partner to Develop New Statewide Childbirth Outcomes Report

The birth of a child is a life-changing experience and a significant clinical event, with those experiencing pregnancy and childbirth hoping for a positive experience and healthy outcome. Yet the maternal mortality rate in the United States was 23.8 per 100,000 live births in 2020, and four in five pregnancy-related deaths were preventable according to the CDC. One in four of these deaths occur on the day of delivery or within one week, with considerable evidence that negative outcomes are more likely for patients of color. These findings are evidence of the need for quality improvement initiatives that ensure all people who are pregnant or postpartum receive the care they need. In light of this, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) recently collaborated with the Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA) Keystone Center on the development of a statewide report on birth outcomes.

MVC claims data comprise approximately 84% of Michigan's insured population; these data are processed into 30- and 90-day price-standardized and risk-adjusted episodes of care that allow MVC to identify practice variation and measure the value of care. MVC creates episodes for over 40 medical and surgical conditions, including vaginal and cesarean childbirth delivery. MVC used a subset of claims from its data on Michigan childbirth episodes to create this new statewide report. The goal was to highlight statewide disparities in care and support the MHA Keystone Center and the Michigan Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (MI AIM) in their efforts to increase equitable care and decrease preventable severe maternal morbidity and mortality in Michigan.

MVC’s new statewide childbirth episodes report provides information on total episode payments, mode of delivery, patient characteristics, and rates of certain birth-related complications using 90-day episodes of care for vaginal and cesarean delivery. Measures in this report are based exclusively on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) PPO Commercial episodes for childbirth index admissions that occurred at MVC-participating hospitals between 1/1/19 and 12/31/21. Hospitals in this report were unidentified and each was required to have a minimum of 20 childbirth episodes across the reporting period to be included. Similarly to other MVC reports, several metrics were displayed by the index hospital’s geographic region of Michigan as categorized by MVC (see MVC regions here), with others stratified by race or mode of delivery.

The analysis found an average price-standardized, risk-adjusted 90-day total episode payment of $7,765 for vaginal delivery and $10,264 for cesarean delivery (Figure 1), with average index lengths of stay of 3.1 and 4.0 days, respectively. Additionally, the overall rate of cesarean delivery was 32.3% in July-Dec. of 2021, a slight increase compared to cesarean rates in 2019 and 2020 (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Average Price-Standardized and Risk-Adjusted 90-Day Total Episode Payments by Mode of Delivery, Overall and by Hospital

Figure 2. Rates of Cesarean Delivery, 2019 Through 2021, Overall and by Region of Michigan

Overall, 7.5% of patients had a diagnosis of hemorrhage, 4.2% had a diagnosis of hypertension, and 1.8% had a diagnosis of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) during their index birth hospitalization. A notable finding was the difference in rates of these complications by race (Figure 3). Patients who were identified as Asian or Pacific Islander had higher rates of hemorrhage than other race categories, and patients who were identified as Black had higher rates of hypertension and SMM than the overall population. This is consistent with other research findings related to disparate health outcomes for non-white patients.

Figure 3. Rates of Hypertension, Hemorrhage, and Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM), Overall and by Race

Health disparities such as these are an area of focus within the MVC Coordinating Center’s broader strategic framework. MVC’s health equity sub-committee meets regularly to strategize how to emphasize equity among its membership and support related quality improvement initiatives. The Coordinating Center’s aim is to use MVC data to help members identify areas of opportunity and support quality improvement through collaboration with peers. To this end, MVC is currently developing a hospital-level adaptation of the new statewide birth outcomes report to share site-specific data with its members later this year.

“Claims data such as those included in MVC’s episodes of care present a great opportunity to use state-wide data to highlight important findings and disparities related to birth outcomes in Michigan,” said Kristen Hassett, the lead MVC analyst for the analysis. “This report represents an important step in MVC’s work to identify areas of health inequality and then support initiatives to reduce those disparities.”

For the MHA Keystone Center, the statewide report provides valuable data to further inform its work.

“We are proud to partner with organizations like the Michigan Value Collaborative to collect and examine critical data related to childbirth within Michigan health systems,” said Sarah Scranton, vice president of safety and quality at MHA and executive director of MHA Keystone Center. “By evaluating hemorrhage, hypertension and severe maternal morbidity rates across several regions of the state, we are able to address the challenges facing Michigan mothers and birthing centers.”

The MVC statewide childbirth episodes report will aid MHA’s field engagement team while they engage with hospitals not yet partnering with MI AIM. Since its adoption in Michigan in 2016, MI AIM has contributed to significant improvement in hemorrhage-related SMM, hypertension-related SMM, and overall SMM through the implementation of hemorrhage, hypertension, and sepsis patient safety bundles with Michigan birthing hospitals.

To view the complete report, visit the MVC website. The Coordinating Center welcomes any additional questions about the report findings or any custom report analyses inspired by its creation. Contact the MVC team at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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MVC Workgroup Planned to Support Members Focused on Cardiac Rehabilitation Rates

MVC Workgroup Planned to Support Members Focused on Cardiac Rehabilitation Rates

Next week marks the kickoff of American Heart Month, commemorating the more than 600,000 Americans who die from heart disease each year and raising awareness about strategies that support heart health. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is one of those critical strategies, with the second full week of February each year dedicated to promoting its role in reducing the harmful effects of heart disease. In support of efforts to promote this life-saving program, MVC will host a CR-focused workgroup on Feb. 16, from 2-3 p.m., with MVC Co-Director Mike Thompson, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Cardiac Surgery at Michigan Medicine, as its guest speaker. He will highlight some recent efforts to increase patient enrollment.

This is the third time MVC has hosted a workgroup dedicated to CR utilization; the first took place during last year’s CR week in February 2022 and featured guest presenters Steven Keteyian, Ph.D., Director of Preventive Cardiology at Henry Ford Medical Group, and Greg Merritt, Ph.D., patient advocate, in a discussion about strategies for increasing CR use. The second in November 2022 featured Diane Hamilton, BAA, CEP, of Corewell Health Trenton Hospital, who discussed addressing transportation barriers as an obstacle to CR attendance.

CR is a medically supervised program encompassing exercise, education, peer support, and counseling to help patients recovering from a cardiac event, disease, or procedure. There is high-quality evidence that it saves lives and money. A 2016 meta-analysis estimated that for every 37 coronary heart disease patients who attended CR, one of their lives was saved on average. Additionally, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2) and the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) came together recently to measure the impact attributed to CR for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients treated between 2015 and 2019, and estimated 86 lives saved, 145 readmissions avoided, and approximately $1.8 million in savings.

Despite the evidence in favor of its clinical impact and cost-effectiveness, CR remains heavily underutilized, with only one in three eligible Michiganders participating. MVC’s hospital-level cardiac rehab reports showcase similar findings (Figure 1). These reports were rebranded recently under the new Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation Network (MiCR) umbrella in partnership with BMC2. They measure whether and when patients started CR at MVC hospitals and how long they kept going. The collaborative-wide average for PCI patients, for example, was 38.3%, with hospital rates ranging from approximately 10%-60%. Such a wide range in patient participation rates suggests MVC member hospitals would benefit from the insights of top-performing peers.

Figure 1.

MVC is pursuing several strategies to address this critical gap in utilization. The upcoming Feb. 16 workgroup will be one of several CR-focused workgroups offered throughout 2023. The Coordinating Center decided to offer workgroups on this topic in part because of its recent incorporation of a CR measure into the MVC Component of the BCBSM Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program. MVC member hospitals were recently asked to make metric selections for the upcoming Program Year 2024-2025 cycle, and as of February 2023 just over one quarter of hospitals elected to be scored on their CR rates for the new value metric component of the MVC measure. These hospitals will receive more P4P points if their CR utilization rate improves over time or is greater relative to their peers. These hospitals are currently treating the patients who will make up their performance year data for Program Year 2024 of the MVC measure. Therefore, MVC aims to offer tailored workgroups to support those sites being scored on CR utilization, most likely incorporating some unblinded data presentations and highlighting key resources and practices for quality improvement purposes.

The MVC team hopes these efforts to facilitate peer learning within the collaborative will help hospitals across the state improve CR participation. Doing so would save the lives of patients and improve the value of healthcare in Michigan. Sites that selected CR as their value metric component of the MVC P4P measure are encouraged to attend; however, anyone interested in this area of healthcare is welcome. Those interested in attending may register here. Please contact the MVC Coordinating Center with any questions at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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Healthy Weight Awareness Month Inspires Workgroup Collaboration

Healthy Weight Awareness Month Inspires Workgroup Collaboration

This January, healthcare organizations and advocacy groups across the country are promoting Healthy Weight Awareness Month, as well as innovations in weight loss procedures. In alignment with this national conversation, MVC recently hosted its first workgroup of 2023 with a guest presentation by Oliver Varban, MD, FACS, FASMBS, Associate Director at the Michigan Bariatric Surgery Collaborative (MBSC), about obesity in Michigan, the main challenges of treatment, and how MBSC uses data to improve surgical management outcomes. The aim of such workgroups is to impart relevant data, best practices, and success stories for the benefit of MVC members and partners working in that clinical area.

According to data from CDC, the prevalence of obesity increased from 30% to 42% over the past 20 years, with 41% of Americans currently considered clinically obese. Excess body weight is associated with many different conditions and comorbidities (e.g., certain types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke) and is a risk factor for increased severity and fatality of various conditions, such as those who experienced more severe illness from COVID-19 infection. Clinical management interventions range from screening and lifestyle changes to medication and surgery.

Identification and treatment of obesity often begins by measuring a patient’s body mass index (BMI), an estimate of body fat based on height and weight. The CDC uses BMI to measure obesity, but this measure falls short in several ways. For one, the accuracy of the measurement is lower among men, the elderly, and those in the intermediate BMI ranges. In addition, racial groups experience differing levels of disease for a given BMI. On its own BMI is not an accurate predictor of health. There are also a number of complex connections to social determinants of health since patients residing in environments with more limited access to healthy food and physical activity often have higher BMIs.

MBSC has been working to support quality improvement in healthy weight management since 2005 and aims to innovate the science and practice of metabolic and bariatric surgery through comprehensive, lifelong, patient-centered obesity care. MBSC utilizes its extensive clinical registry data to generate tools that support clinicians and patients in decision-making, including several patient- and provider-facing tools that outline a patient’s likely risks, benefits, and costs for various treatment pathways.

Given obesity’s prevalence and association with other chronic conditions, improved outcomes for patients managing obesity have far-reaching implications. Therefore, MVC and MBSC partnered last year to measure the value of bariatric surgery in treating diabetes, one of the most common and costly chronic conditions. According to the American Diabetes Association, $1 in $7 healthcare dollars are spent treating diabetes and its complications, and patients diagnosed with diabetes face 2.3 times the average person's healthcare costs. The analysis performed by MVC and MBSC was largely driven by existing evidence in the literature that bariatric surgery resolved or improved Type 2 diabetes symptoms in a large proportion of patients (Varban et al., 2022). Using its rich administrative claims data sources, MVC helped analyze pre-surgery and post-surgery receipt of diabetes medications, which was used to estimate the overall impact across Michigan and its estimated cost savings due to a decrease in post-surgery diabetes medication prescription fills.

The most impressive finding of the analysis was a significant decrease in the percentage of bariatric surgery patients who filled any diabetes prescription post-surgery (Figure 1), with over 50% of patients who previously used diabetes prescriptions taking no medications within 120 days post-surgery. This amounted to an annual cost savings of about $4,133 per patient. Five years post-surgery, the continued estimated cost savings from reduced reliance on prescriptions ($20,665) surpassed the average price-standardized total episode cost of bariatric surgery ($14,832). These results provide evidence of statewide clinical outcome improvement and cost savings for Type 2 diabetes following bariatric surgery. A summary of this return-on-investment analysis was developed and publicized by MBSC and MVC in August 2022.

Figure 1.

This analysis was also evidence of the opportunities for cross-collaboration and information sharing in obesity care—between primary care providers, chronic disease management care teams, and bariatric surgeons; between collaborative quality initiatives with varying clinical, value-based, and socioeconomic focuses; and between providers, their patient, and their patient’s families. Obesity is a clinical diagnosis with extensive social complexities and implications for one’s physical and mental health. Improving support and care for those in seek of treatment requires intentional, innovative collaboration.

The complete recording of Dr. Varban’s recent MVC Health in Action workgroup presentation and the discussion that followed are available on MVC’s YouTube channel. Those with questions about any of the above-mentioned materials or analyses are welcome to contact the MVC Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu. MVC’s next workgroup takes place on Tues., Jan. 24, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., featuring a guest presentation by Karla Stoermer Grossman, MSA, BSN, RN, AE-C, Clinical Site Coordinator at the Inspiring Health Advances in Lung Care (INHALE) Collaborative Quality Initiative. Register to join us and hear about INHALE’s approach to improving outcomes for patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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Latest PO Joint Replacement Report Adds Outpatient Rehab Rates, Demographics, and More

Latest PO Joint Replacement Report Adds Outpatient Rehab Rates, Demographics, and More

MVC proudly partners with 40 physician organizations (PO) spanning the state of Michigan and continues to refine and add to the resources tailored to these members. As part of this work, MVC recently refreshed and shared PO joint replacement reports in December. These PO-level reports were first shared in October 2021 with a focus on the shift away from inpatient surgeries as well as post-acute care utilization for combined joint procedures.

The recently refreshed reports carried forward many of the joint episode metrics included previously, but with additional stratification and detail. For instance, whereas the 2021 version presented figures for all joint surgeries combined, many of the figures in the December 2022 version provided data stratified by hip procedure, knee procedure, and all joint procedures. Similarly, some figures are stratified by the location of the procedure (inpatient vs. outpatient). This new differentiation was intended to help POs more easily understand the underlying drivers of their metrics. For example, the blinded hospital below (Figure 1) could observe that its average 30-day price-standardized total episode payment is driven more by hip surgeries ($17,399) than knee surgeries ($16,643). This site could also observe that its overall total episode payment is below both the collaborative-wide PO average and the average in their region, and at the average for other POs of a similar size.

Figure 1.

Additional detail was also added to the patient attribution table, which now identifies the top 10 index facilities (rather than five) where a PO’s attributed patients underwent joint replacement surgery. This table now also includes each index facility’s percent of joint episodes performed in an outpatient setting as well as their average 30-day price-standardized total episode payment for attributed patients. This change was intended to inform quality improvement discussions between POs and partner hospitals or Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs).

Also new to this report were 30-day outpatient rehabilitation rates and a patient population snapshot table to help POs better understand the demographics of patients included in the report. The table included mean age, top two patient Zip codes, the percent of patients living in an “at-risk” or “distressed” Zip code according to the Distressed Communities Index, the proportion of patients belonging to different racial categories, their average length of stay, and their 30-day post-surgery complication rate. Each of these categories was summarized separately by insurance plan.

This report utilized administrative claims from attributed members spanning 1/1/19 – 6/30/21 for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) PPO Commercial, BCBSM Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Fee-for-Service. Reports were prepared for all POs that participate in MVC and had at least 20 joint replacement episodes in 2019 and 2020, and at least 11 episodes in the first half of 2021.

In general, report findings indicated that utilization of outpatient surgery settings continued to increase in 2021 on average (Figure 2). However, there was still significant variation between MVC’s 40 PO members in their average rate of joint replacement surgeries taking place in outpatient settings (Figure 3). For joint episodes in 2019 through the first half of 2021, outpatient surgery rates ranged from just over 20% to nearly 80%.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

On average across the collaborative, POs still had low rates of skilled nursing facility (SNF) utilization (6.7%) and higher rates of home health (HH) utilization (55.3%). However, variation in PO member HH utilization rates ranged from approximately 10% to 90%.

If you have feedback on your new PO joint replacement report or would like to request an additional custom analysis to better fit your needs, contact the Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.

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MVC Q4 Newsletter Highlights EOY Success Stories

MVC Q4 Newsletter Highlights EOY Success Stories

The Michigan Value Collaborative's quarterly newsletter provides in-depth synopses of MVC events, updates, and spotlights on members and partners. The final newsletter of 2022 was released this week (Figure 1), summarizing the activities and accomplishments that took place in Q4 of this year. First and foremost, the Coordinating Center thanked its members for their partnership in what turned out to be a very active year and highlighted new additions to the collaborative, including new hospital member Bronson Lakeview Paw Paw and new MVC Site Engagement Coordinator Kristy Degener.

Figure 1. Page 1 of MVC December Newsletter for Q4 of 2022

This edition included a full synopsis of MVC's 2022 Fall Semi-Annual Meeting, outlining the unblinded data session and the topics covered by the many talented and inspiring guest speakers. It also called attention to important updates that will impact Program Years 2024-2025 of the MVC Component of the BCBSM Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program, outlining some aspects of the program structure that are changing and some that are staying the same as previous program cycles. Finally, the December newsletter highlighted the large portfolio of work that was taken on by MVC staff in partnership with its peer Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQIs), highlighting in particular four completed return-on-investment analyses and several spotlights on the MVC blog.

The publication of MVC's final newsletter in Q4 coincides with MVC's submission of its end-of-year progress report to funder BCBSM. In developing this impressive summary document, MVC developed an infographic that highlights key statistics and accomplishments from the past six months (Figure 2). MVC plans to distribute a public version of this summary report, MVC's Annual Report, in January 2023. In the meantime, read the full MVC Q4 December Newsletter here.

Figure 2. Summary Infographic of MVC Activity, 7/1/22-12/31/22

The MVC Coordinating Center looks forward to continuing its work in 2023 and wishes everyone a happy holiday season and new year!

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New MI Mind CQI Connects Body and Mind to Health in Michigan

New MI Mind CQI Connects Body and Mind to Health in Michigan

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. It claimed nearly 46,000 lives in 2020—a rate 30% higher than two decades ago. More recent data has even shown an increase in the rate of suicide after two years of declining rates. In the state of Michigan, the suicide mortality rate was 14 per 100,000 people.

There are significant opportunities for suicide prevention in primary care and other healthcare settings. Research suggests that patients seek care from primary care physicians within 30 days of establishing a suicide plan or attempting suicide. Furthermore, for every suicide death, there are four hospitalizations and eight emergency department visits (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

In response to this significant health need in Michigan, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan partnered with Henry Ford Health to launch a new Collaborative Quality Initiative (CQI) called the Michigan Mental Innovation Network and Program Design (MI Mind). The MI Mind Coordinating Center team brings providers, health systems, and suicide prevention experts together to reach shared goals of improving suicide prevention, care, and access to key behavioral health services in Michigan. Its mission is to engage psychiatrists, psychologists, and primary care physicians in the use of care pathways to reduce suicides in Michigan significantly.

The core program is a collaboration with provider organizations that aims to determine and implement system-specific suicide prevention elements and use data to implement rapid cycle quality improvement processes. MI Mind hopes to assess what levels and characterizations of risk are most urgent and can be addressed by clinicians to inform recommendations for suicide prevention and quality improvement. The MI Mind program will help facilitate enhanced collaboration and referrals among behavioral health and primary care clinicians and promote purposeful screening for suicidal risk. The MI Mind team aims to train clinical staff using the well-established Zero Suicide protocol and anticipates the program will improve patient support, enable more effective and efficient healthcare, and reduce suicide rates.

The MI Mind collaborative is co-led by Program Director Brian Ahmedani, PhD, LCSW, who is internationally recognized for his work in suicide prevention and the Director for the Center for Health Policy and Health Services Research at Henry Ford Health; and Program Director Cathrine Frank, MD, a practicing and board certified psychiatrist widely regarded as the original clinical architect of the Zero Suicide program and Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Services at Henry Ford Health.

For more information on MI Mind, visit their website, where a variety of easy-to-use, organized tools and materials or available for the benefit of primary care providers, behavioral health professionals, patients, and their loved ones. Providers may also contact the MI Mind Coordinating Center at MiMIND@hfhs.org. In addition, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (previously the Suicide Prevention Lifeline) is available to provide equitable and accessible suicide prevention support across the United States.

As the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) continues to build its offerings for members, the Coordinating Center is mindful that many other CQIs also partner with hospitals and providers throughout Michigan. MVC posts recurring feature blogs about some of its peer CQIs to showcase their activities and highlight collaborations with MVC. Please reach out to the MVC Coordinating Center with any suggestions or questions.

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PY 2024-2025 Selection Reports Sent for MVC Component of BCBSM P4P Program

PY 2024-2025 Selection Reports Sent for MVC Component of BCBSM P4P Program

Beginning in 2018, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) allocated 10% of its Pay-For-Performance (P4P) Program to a metric based on Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) claims data. In 2022, the BCBSM P4P Quarterly Workgroup approved changes to how hospitals are evaluated in future program cycles. The upcoming two-year cycle including Program Years (PYs) 2024 and 2025 will be the first impacted by these changes, with performance years in 2023 and 2024, respectively (see Figure 1). Hospitals received selection reports for the next cycle this week to aid in their decision-making on metrics within the new program structure.

Figure 1.

What is staying the same?

The program will continue to be scored out of 10 points maximum, and hospitals will continue to be evaluated on their risk-adjusted, price-standardized total episode payment, though this will make up a smaller component of the overall program. In addition, most conditions hospitals could select previously for episode payment scoring will still be available for that component of the program. Those include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), colectomy (non-cancer), congestive heart failure (CHF), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), joint replacement, and pneumonia. Additionally, a hospital’s metric selections will continue to be scored on improvement compared to the hospital’s own past performance and scored on achievement related to an MVC cohort. Each hospital will continue to be awarded the greater of the two scores, either improvement or achievement, which are calculated using Z-scores. Cohort designation is still based on bed size, critical access status, and case mix index.

What is changing?

The PY 2022-2023 program was scored out of 10 points, but 12 points could be earned (10 points from episode spending plus two bonus points). In PYs 2024-2025, the overall program structure (Figure 2) will change so that the maximum score will be 10 points, made up of a maximum of four points from an episode spending metric, a maximum of four points from a value metric (a new component), and a maximum of two points from engagement activities completed in the program year (the calendar year following the performance year). This means that rather than selecting two conditions as in previous program cycles, hospitals will now select one condition for the episode spending metric and select one value metric. In order to be eligible to select a payment condition or value metric, a hospital must be projected to have at least 20 cases in the full baseline year of 2021. No bonus points will be available for PYs 2024-2025.

Figure 2.

Brand new in PYs 2024-2025 will be value metrics, which are evidence-based, actionable measures that show variability across the state. Hospitals will be rewarded for high rates of high-value services or low rates of low-value services. Seven value metrics are available for hospitals to choose from: cardiac rehabilitation after CABG, cardiac rehabilitation after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), seven-day follow-up after CHF, 14-day follow-up after COPD, seven-day follow-up after pneumonia, preoperative testing, and risk-adjusted readmission after sepsis. The preoperative testing value metric is composed of a group of three low-risk procedures: cholecystectomy, hernia repair, and lumpectomy. Each procedure will be scored separately, and points for this value metric will be awarded based on the highest points achieved for a hospital’s eligible procedures.

Finally, engagement in MVC activities will be built into the program’s scoring structure, rather than being offered as “bonus” points. Hospitals will be eligible to earn up to two points by attending and participating in MVC activities throughout each program year. These points are intended to increase engagement with other hospitals and the MVC Coordinating Center. Hospitals may select their own combination of activities but must include at least one activity from each of the attendance and participation categories to earn any points.

The P4P selection reports distributed this week include tables for the various episode spending and value metrics that identify projected case counts, the hospital’s average payment or rate of utilization, the cohort and MVC All average payments or rates, and the projected changes necessary for the hospital to earn 1 – 4 points. Accompanying the reports was an interpretation guide to walk recipients through a blinded sample report. It includes guidance on how to interpret the tables with suggestions for how this data could be used to inform a hospital’s P4P selections. The guide can be viewed here.

A complete summary of changes to PYs 2024 and 2025 is available here. These changes will not be retroactively applied to PYs 2022-2023. For complete details about PYs 2024-2025, please refer to the P4P Technical Document. Contact the MVC Coordinating Center with any questions. MVC requests that member hospitals complete and submit their PY 2024-2025 selections by December 23, 2022.

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Happy Thanksgiving from the MVC Coordinating Center

Happy Thanksgiving from the MVC Coordinating Center

The Michigan Value Collaborative wishes you a happy Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you to all Michigan hospitals and physician organizations for working tirelessly every day to improve healthcare quality across Michigan. We are grateful for your partnership and your efforts on behalf of Michigan patients.