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Hospitals Receive PY24 Mid-Year Scorecards for MVC Component of BCBSM P4P Program

Hospitals Receive PY24 Mid-Year Scorecards for MVC Component of BCBSM P4P Program

Last week the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) distributed mid-year scorecards for Program Year (PY) 2024 of the MVC Component of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program. This report provided hospitals with their current standing for PY 2024.

Each hospital received a mid-year score out of a total of 10 points, including 0 to 4 points for their selected total episode payment metric, 0 to 4 points for their selected value metric, and 0 to 2 points for completed eligible engagement activities thus far in calendar year 2024. PY 2024 scores achievement and improvement points for each hospital’s selected episode spending conditions and value metrics using index admissions from 2023 as the performance year against admissions in 2021 as the baseline year. Hospitals are awarded the higher of their achievement and improvement point scores.

The performance data timeframes included in mid-year PY 2024 scoring were index events 1/1/2023-12/31/2023 for BCBSM PPO Commercial, BCBSM Medicare Advantage, BCN HMO Commercial, and BCN HMO MA, and index events 1/1/2023-9/30/2023 for Medicare FFS. The engagement points accrued represent all completed activities from 1/1/2024-9/30/2024. This is the first year of a two-year (PY24-25) P4P cycle. The full methodology for this program cycle can be found in the PY2024-2025 technical document.

Figure 1 illustrates the current distribution of total points out of 10 across the collaborative. The average points scored across the mid-year scorecards was 6.2/10. This average is 0.2 points lower than the average points scored at the conclusion of PY23.

Figure 1.

Figure 2 illustrates the breakdown of scoring on average by each program component (i.e., episode spending metric, value metric, engagement points). Hospitals could earn up to four points each for their episode spending and value metric selections, and up to two points for engagement activities. Across the collaborative, the average points scored was higher for value metrics (2.7) than for episode spending (2.5).

Figure 2.

Figure 3 illustrates the breakdown of average points by episode spending condition. Consistent with previous years, joint replacement was the highest scoring condition with an average of 3.1 points. Much of the recent success observed for the joint replacement condition could be attributed to the shift from post-acute care in skilled nursing facilities (SNF) to home health and the move towards outpatient surgeries; however, with most joint replacements now occurring in outpatient settings there is less savings to be achieved from such shifts going forward. Congestive heart failure and pneumonia were the lowest scoring conditions with hospitals earning less than two points on average for each.

Figure 3.

Figure 4 illustrates the breakdown of average points by value metric. The highest scoring value metric was preoperative testing with 3.4 points followed by 90-day cardiac rehab utilization after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with 2.8 points. For both of these value metrics, hospitals have access to additional support and resources via MVC’s value-based improvement initiatives, including the RITE-Size (Right-Sizing Testing before Elective Surgery) initiative and the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR) offerings. The lowest scoring value metric was 7-day follow-up rates after pneumonia (2.1).

Figure 4.

These mid-year P4P scores are subject to change as new data is added. The final scorecards will be distributed after all 2023 claims are incorporated. Hospitals can track their score through the P4P PY24-25 reports on the MVC registry, which provides all relevant scoring information for both improvement and achievement points in one place. These registry reports can be filtered by selected conditions/metrics to make the tracking of P4P points easier. Contact the MVC Coordinating Center [EMAIL] for a walkthrough of your hospital’s PY24 mid-year scorecard or P4P registry reports.

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MVC, BMC2, HBOM Announce New Cardiac Rehab Materials & Opportunities at MiCR Meeting

MVC, BMC2, HBOM Announce New Cardiac Rehab Materials & Opportunities at MiCR Meeting

In partnership with BMC2 and HBOM, the Michigan Value Collaborative recently co-hosted the Michigan Cardiac Rehab network (MiCR) virtual summer meeting, which brought together providers, quality improvement staff, rehab staff, and patients with a shared interest in improving participation in cardiac rehabilitation. Over 70 attendees from across the state joined the meeting on Aug. 9, where they heard updates from the MiCR leadership, previewed new MiCR resources, and heard from a panel of hospital representatives who discussed their experience using the MiCR NewBeat materials.

NewBeat Success and Re-Orders

One key announcement from the meeting included the launch of a second round for placing NewBeat material print orders [ORDER FORM LINK]. The MiCR team will accept submitted order forms through Tues., Sept. 24. Those who request the free printed materials can either pick them up at the fall in-person MiCR meeting in Midland or have them mailed to an address they designate. Early survey evidence suggests that implementation of the NewBeat program is associated with an increase in confidence across a number of metrics (Figure 1).

Figure 1. NewBeat Survey Results Pre- and Post-Implementation

Speaking to the value of these materials was a panel of representatives from Corewell Health South, Holland Hospital, and Michigan Medicine—three sites who ordered NewBeat materials in the first round at the start of 2024. Each shared their experience using the materials and advice on their integration. HBOM also recorded virtual interviews with the Corewell Health and Holland Hospital site contacts for use in a NewBeat success story video (Figure 2), which was played for the meeting’s attendees.

Figure 2. Implementing NewBeat Feedback Video

Those who wish to place an order for NewBeat materials in the current round will again have the opportunity to request the MiCR patient/provider educational handout (available in English, Spanish, and Arabic), the cardiac rehab liaison postcard, and the cardiac care cards. Some customizations are possible to the handout and postcard design to include local hospital or rehab center contact information. Additionally, there is a new offering included in this round of ordering that was launched at the meeting: a new discharge packet sticker. These new sticker designs (Figures 3 and 4) can be affixed to the outside of a patient’s discharge folder and are meant to stand out to patients and families who are often inundated with discharge paperwork. They alert the patient that their discharge paperwork includes a referral to cardiac rehab as the next step in their care.

Figure 3. NewBeat Sticker Journey Design

Figure 4. NewBeat Sticker Golden Ticket Design

MiCR Mini Grant RFP Opens for Second Round

The summer meeting also included an announcement that MiCR’s mini grant program to fund small, local cardiac rehab quality improvement projects will similarly be re-opened for a second round of submissions. The first round resulted in the funding of projects at MyMichigan Midland, DMC Huron Valley Sinai, and Ascension Rochester. MiCR is accepting new submissions through Fri., Sept. 13 for up to $5,000 per project. Full details on the RFP and application are available on the MiCR website.

MiCR Updates & Meeting Materials

Finally, the MiCR leadership team announced the development of a neutrally-branded, customizable patient education video that can be shared with hospitals or rehab programs to play on their own websites or waiting room monitors. The video was developed in response to feedback from partner sites that online materials need to be improved and that neutral video content about the value of cardiac rehab is limited. MiCR developed a video for use by network partners and also identified several existing videos published by MillionHearts, Mayo Clinic, and others.

The MVC and BMC2 teams are looking forward to the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network's fall in-person meeting on Fri., Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the H Hotel in Midland. MyMichigan is serving as co-host for the event in collaboration with MiCR. Additional event details will be shared in the coming weeks. Those who were unable to attend the summer meeting can view the meeting recording [LINK] or meeting slides [LINK]. Please reach out to info@michigancr.org with any questions.

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Registration Open Now for Fall Collaborative-Wide Meeting

Registration Open Now for Fall Collaborative-Wide Meeting

Registration is open to join the MVC Coordinating Center for its fall collaborative-wide meeting on Friday, October 25, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the VistaTech Center in Livonia, MI. This meeting's theme is Data-Driven Excellence: Strategies for Success in Quality Improvement, and will feature unblinded MVC data, member presentations on quality improvement successes, networking opportunities, and insights about improving value-based healthcare. Members and partners may register here until Oct. 15.

P4P Updates, Unblinded Data, & Networking

The MVC team will share updates on team activity, including the upcoming cycle of the MVC Component of the BCBSM P4P Program. MVC will also share unblinded data insights. Attendees will have several opportunities to network with peers from hospitals, physician organizations, and Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQIs) from across the state of Michigan via a poster session and breakout room discussions.

If your site is interested in submitting a poster to present at the fall meeting, please complete this form no later than Sept. 13.

In the coming weeks, MVC will share a finalized agenda with speaker details and other updates on its collaborative-wide meeting webpage.

P4P Engagement Points

Hospitals that send a site representative to one of MVC’s 2024 collaborative-wide meetings will be eligible to earn 0.25 engagement points toward their PY24 P4P score, following the completion of a post-meeting survey. Hospitals that send a site representative to BOTH of MVC’s 2024 collaborative-wide meetings and complete both post-meeting surveys will be eligible to earn 0.75 engagement points toward their PY24 P4P score. View all eligible engagement activities for PY24 engagement points here.


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MVC Coordinating Center Releases 2023 Annual Report

MVC Coordinating Center Releases 2023 Annual Report

The Coordinating Center published its 2023 annual report to the MVC website recently. It outlines key successes and activities accomplished last year and the new strategy guiding MVC's 2024 efforts. Read the report below or view the PDF Parts A [LINK] and B [LINK]) now.

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MVC Opens Registration for May Collaborative-Wide Meeting

MVC Opens Registration for May Collaborative-Wide Meeting

Registration is now open to join the MVC Coordinating Center for its spring collaborative-wide meeting on Friday, May 10, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the H Hotel in Midland, MI. This meeting's agenda is focused on promoting care coordination across the continuum, and will feature unblinded MVC data, member presentations on quality improvement strategies and programs, networking opportunities, and insights about improving value-based healthcare. Members and partners may register here.

Discounted Hotel Room Rate

The event will occur at The H Hotel in Midland, MI, 111 W. Main St., Midland, MI. If you plan to stay overnight at the H Hotel, please book your stay directly through MVC's H Hotel room block.

P4P Updates, Unblinded Data, & Networking

The MVC team will share updates on team activity, including the MVC Component of the BCBSM P4P Program. MVC will also share report and data insights, initiative resources, and an unblinded data presentation. Attendees will have several opportunities to network with peers from hospitals, physician organizations, and Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQIs) from across the state of Michigan via a poster session and roundtable discussions.

In the coming weeks, MVC will share a finalized agenda with speaker details and other updates on its collaborative-wide meeting webpage.

P4P Engagement Points

Hospitals that send a site representative to one of MVC’s 2024 collaborative-wide meetings will be eligible to earn 0.25 engagement points toward their PY24 P4P score, following the completion of a post-meeting survey. Hospitals that send a site representative to BOTH of MVC’s 2024 collaborative-wide meetings and complete both post-meeting surveys will be eligible to earn 0.75 engagement points toward their PY24 P4P score. View all eligible engagement activities for PY24 engagement points here.


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Refreshed Hospital-Level, ED-Based Episode Push Reports Coming Soon to Members

Refreshed Hospital-Level, ED-Based Episode Push Reports Coming Soon to Members

The MVC Coordinating Center will soon distribute refreshed hospital-level versions of its push report utilizing emergency department-based episodes (“ED-based episodes”). MVC generated separate versions for acute care hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) with tailored comparison groups. In addition to reflecting more recent data across all included payers, these refreshed hospital-level reports differ from prior versions due to the addition of three high-volume ED conditions and the incorporation of Michigan Medicaid claims.

Each page of the report is dedicated to a specific condition with the same metrics throughout, such as risk-adjusted, price-standardized 30-day total episode spending, inpatient admission rates, and rates of post-ED utilization. Reports feature each hospital’s own attributed ED-based episode data for eight high-volume ED conditions: abdominal pain, cellulitis, chest pain (nonspecific), congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes with long-term complications (including renal, eye, neurological, or circulatory), diabetes with short-term complications (including ketoacidosis, hyperosmolarity, or coma), and urinary tract infection (UTI). The three new conditions included in this year’s refresh include diabetes with long-term complications, diabetes with short-term complications, and UTI.

Among general acute care hospitals receiving a report, the average risk-adjusted, price-standardized 30-day total episode payment (Figure 1) for the reported conditions is highest for diabetes with long-term complications ($20,568), CHF ED-based episodes ($17,245), diabetes with short-term complications ($12,087), and COPD ED-based episodes ($10,289). The collaborative-wide average is lowest for chest pain ($3,111) and abdominal pain ($3,123) ED-based episodes. Within each condition, MVC 30-day total episode payments are consistently higher for episodes in which the patient had a same-day inpatient admission compared to episodes in which the patient did not have an inpatient stay beginning on the date of their ED visit. With that information in mind, hospital members can also use their individualized reports to track their same-day inpatient admission rate at six-month intervals using trend graphs for each included ED-based condition (Figure 2).

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

A key goal for these ED-based episode reports is to provide insight into healthcare utilization following index ED visits. Therefore, reports continue to include a dot plot (Figure 3) comparing patient post-ED utilization at a member hospital against their peer comparison group. Dot plots provide information on what percent of episodes had a same-day inpatient admission, what percent did not have a same-day inpatient admission but did see the patient admitted in the 1 to 30 days following the index ED visit, and the percent of patients who had two or more inpatient admissions (thus, at least one readmission) during the episode of care. Also provided are rates of subsequent ED visits, receipt of outpatient services, home health, skilled nursing facility care, and inpatient or outpatient rehab.

Figure 3.

These ED-based episodes are built using MVC’s most recent medical claims data from Medicare FFS, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan PPO Commercial and Medicare Advantage plans, Blue Care Network HMO Commercial and Medicare Advantage plans, and Michigan Medicaid.

ED-based episodes utilize MVC’s newest episode of care data structure, which was developed last year in collaboration with the Michigan Emergency Department Improvement Collaborative (MEDIC), a BCBSM-funded Collaborative Quality Initiative with the goal of improving care and patient outcomes in Michigan emergency departments. MVC and MEDIC team members worked closely to develop 30-day episodes of care initialized by a patient’s visit to the ED and including all claims-documented care received in the 30 days following a patient’s index ED visit.

Please share your feedback with the MVC team if certain report measures are helpful or if you wish to see additional ED-based episode reporting for certain conditions and metrics. MVC is now also accepting custom report requests using its new ED-based data. Contact MVC to learn more.

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BMC2 Recognized as a 2023 Eisenberg Patient Safety & Quality Award Recipient by NQF, Joint Commission

BMC2 Recognized as a 2023 Eisenberg Patient Safety & Quality Award Recipient by NQF, Joint Commission

BMC2 (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium) has been recognized with the prestigious John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award in the Local Level Innovation in Patient Safety and Quality category.

BMC2 has been honored for its remarkable improvements in the documentation of radiation use, a decrease in high-dose radiation exposure, and reduction in opioid pill prescribing rates. BMC2 is a statewide quality improvement collaborative that develops and administers a portfolio of quality improvement interventions for patients who undergo heart stenting, vascular surgical procedures, and transcatheter valve procedures in Michigan. The consortium is one of 22 Collaborative Quality Initiatives sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network as part of the BCBSM Value Partnerships program.

The Eisenberg Awards honor the late John M. Eisenberg, MD, MBA, and bring together the quality community to recognize groundbreaking initiatives in healthcare that are consistent with the aims of the National Quality Strategy: better care, healthy people and communities, and smarter spending. Dr. Eisenberg was the former administrator of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and an impassioned advocate for healthcare quality improvement. The award, presented annually by The Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum (NQF), recognizes major individual, local, and national achievements in healthcare that improve patient safety and healthcare quality.

“BMC2’s work impacts 30,000 patients treated by hundreds of physicians from more than 100 hospital teams each year,” shares Dr. Hitinder Gurm, Director of BMC2. “We are fortunate to have this unique partnership between providers, hospitals, and payers, that is focused solely on improving safety, quality, and appropriateness of care. The collaborative creates data-driven quality improvement goals and initiatives, shares best practices, and distributes reports benchmarked to statewide performance, all focused on improving cardiovascular care throughout Michigan.”

In Michigan, documentation of radiation use improved from 73.1% in 2019 to 85.5% in 2021, and BMC2 sites are outperforming national rates, which were 57.5% in 2019 and 74.3% in 2021. BMC2 sites achieved an overall 43% decrease in cases with high-dose radiation exposure (2.8% in 2018 to 1.2% in 2021), affecting hundreds of patients and care teams. BMC2 also reduced opioid pill prescribing; data showed improvement in the rate of patients with a prescription of less than 10 opioid pills by approximately 30% between 2018 (62%) and 2021 (91%). In addition, BMC2 has been exploring strategies to address healthcare disparities and partners with a patient advisory council to create resources for patients and providers.

The Eisenberg Award panel was impressed by BMC2’s dissemination of its work. BMC2 data has supported more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals and more than 100 presentations at national and international conferences. The panel noted that this kind of collaborative, best-practice approach improved outcomes, reduced costs, and could be replicated by other states. The panel was inspired by BMC2’s inclusive scope across so many clinicians, physicians, teams, and sites, acknowledging the collaborative is “working to improve care, at every institution, and for every patient. It's remarkable.”


BMC2 is a collaborative consortium of health care providers in the State of Michigan comprised of three statewide quality improvement projects addressing percutaneous coronary interventions (BMC2 PCI), vascular and carotid interventions (BMC2 Vascular Surgery), and transcatheter aortic and mitral valve procedures (MISHC) in collaboration with the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons. Learn more about BMC2’s activities and achievements in their 2023 Annual Report.

Like MVC, support for BMC2  is provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network as part of the BCBSM Value Partnerships program.

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CQI Leader Selected as 2024 Presidential Leadership Scholar

CQI Leader Selected as 2024 Presidential Leadership Scholar

The Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQIs) will be represented in this year’s Presidential Leadership Scholars (PLS) program, which invites 60 scholars to participate in a six-month, one-of-a-kind, bipartisan initiative focused on learning from the presidencies of George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Lyndon B. Johnson, and their administrations.

Scholars are chosen from a highly competitive field and must undergo a rigorous application and review process. They are selected based on leadership growth potential and the strength of their personal leadership projects addressing local, national, or international challenges.

For Amanda Stricklen, RN, MSN, it’s an opportunity to continue her lifelong professional journey of improving healthcare, and she brings robust experience in healthcare quality improvement and patient safety to the PLS program. She earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Michigan School of Nursing before gaining years of experience in bedside nursing. Currently, Stricklen serves as the program manager for the Michigan Bariatric Surgical Collaborative (MBSC) and the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative (MSQC) focusing on improving clinical outcomes, enhancing patient experiences, and building a statewide community of providers who work together to elevate the care of surgical patients. Like the Michigan Value Collaborative, the coordinating centers for MSQC and MBSC are housed at Michigan Medicine.

“I am honored to be one of 60 scholars for this year’s Presidential Leadership Scholars Program,” said Stricklen. “I look forward to learning new leadership skills and representing the Collaborative Quality Initiatives, Michigan Medicine, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, and the University of Michigan as a whole. My goal is to learn new leadership goals to empower and provide support to participating hospitals and healthcare providers to enhance care in Michigan and across the nation.”

“Amanda Stricklen is one of the longest serving program managers in Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s Collaborative Quality Initiative program, the first of its kind, internationally recognized, award-winning model that focuses on a critical challenge – improving health care quality and value,” said Tom Leyden, director of the BCBSM Value Partnerships program, which provides funding for the CQIs. “Amanda is an accomplished leader who demonstrates a strong commitment to the CQIs’ shared principles of transparency, collaboration, trust, and measuring performance.”

Stricklen will join leaders from across the country representing the military, non-profit organizations, public and private sectors. Scholars will travel to each participating presidential center to learn from key former administration officials, business and civic leaders, and leading academics. They will study, put into practice varying approaches to leadership, and exchange ideas to help strengthen their impact in the communities they serve.

“Amanda, a beacon of excellence in Michigan's quality improvement landscape, has earned her place as a Presidential Leadership Scholar, illuminating the path of leadership with dedication and innovation,” said CQI Portfolio Director Michael Englesbe, MD. “We look forward to benefiting from the enhanced skills she will gain through this program.”

The 2024 program kicks off Jan. 24 in Washington, D.C.

About the Presidential Leadership Scholars

The Presidential Leadership Scholars program is a partnership among the presidential centers of George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson. To learn more, visit presidentialleadershipscholars.org.

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MVC Reflects on Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Equity Opportunities in Healthcare

MVC Reflects on Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Equity Opportunities in Healthcare

On Monday, organizations large and small will honor the work and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His work has continued to inspire the country on issues such as equality, discrimination, and systemic racism. As the MVC Coordinating Center approaches this national holiday, we reflect on the continued relevance of one of Dr. King’s famous quotations about healthcare injustices: "Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman.” Dr. King made this comment and others about healthcare discrimination in 1955, and yet almost 70 years later our healthcare system continues to grapple with issues of inequity, discrimination, and racism.

As a result, health equity is currently a priority across most major healthcare and government agencies. The MVC Coordinating Center has similarly identified health equity as a strategic priority in recent years and in its newest strategy refresh. This means that a variety of health equity conversations, reporting, and learning opportunities will be offered to MVC members throughout the year. In discussions with members to date, it has been evident that many are still in an information-gathering phase and desire advice around best practices. Therefore, MVC will seek to identify differing approaches to health equity across the collaborative through a health equity survey, which will be shared with members at the end of January. Members will have until mid-April to complete this survey, after which MVC will report aggregate results and facilitate connections between members.

MVC also plans to continue integrating health equity into its workgroup offerings, with each workgroup series (e.g., cardiac rehab, preoperative testing, post-discharge follow-up, rural health, sepsis, health in action) offering at least one session focused on equity. In addition, MVC is planning to offer a reimagined health equity report informed by the results of the survey that integrates supplemental data sets tied to social determinants of health.

MVC’s equity activities this year come on the heels of MVC’s fall collaborative-wide meeting, which focused on how interdisciplinary collaboration can support efforts to reduce disparities and provide equitable healthcare. The agenda incorporated the voices of key leaders and community-based organizations working to improve equity in care delivery, including keynote speaker Renée Branch Canady, PhD, MPA, who serves as CEO of the Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI) and is a recognized national thought leader in the areas of health inequities and disparities, cultural competence, and social justice. Key takeaways and links to slides from Dr. Canady and other guests are available in MVC’s meeting summary. The session also included roundtable speakers from community-based organizations, which helped to facilitate collaboration and networking to support direct patient support services. MVC will strive to offer similar networking and collaboration opportunities at future collaborative-wide meetings.

The MVC Coordinating Center wishes its members and partners well as they celebrate MLK Day in their way. We are grateful for your continued engagement and partnership on important issues as we collectively strive to provide high-quality care for all.

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MVC Celebrates Q4 Updates and Successes to Close Out 2023

MVC Celebrates Q4 Updates and Successes to Close Out 2023

The Michigan Value Collaborative distributes a quarterly newsletter to highlight recent MVC events, reporting, partnerships, and member activity. The final newsletter of 2023 was emailed to subscribers this week and summarizes activities and accomplishments from Q4. First and foremost, the Coordinating Center is grateful to its members for their partnership throughout 2023 - MVC's 10th year in operation as a value-based Collaborative Quality Initiative. This was a special year for the MVC team as we celebrated key successes from the last decade (Figure 1). MVC also celebrated a new addition to the Coordinating Center team in Q4, with MVC Engagement Manager Jessica Souva joining in October (Figure 2).

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

The Q4 newsletter included summary highlights from MVC's fall collaborative-wide meeting, which was held Oct. 20 in Lansing with the theme of "high-value care for all." This newsletter edition also highlighted important updates to MVC's strategy, which were informed by member insights and strategic planning activities over the past year. The resulting revised strategic framework will shape MVC's priorities and activities in 2024 and beyond.

Another key focus of the Q4 newsletter was the release of MVC's Program Year 2024 Engagement Point Menu, available here. Hospitals may earn up to two MVC P4P engagement points toward their PY24 scorecard by mixing and matching the included offerings. MVC hosted an Engagement Point Menu Webinar to introduce this menu and answer questions in November 2023. The webinar recording can be accessed here. In addition, MVC developed a Frequently Asked Questions guide available here.

The Q4 newsletter highlighted a large portfolio of reports and activities completed by MVC staff from October through December. MVC prepared several refreshed hospital-level push reports that were then shared with hospital and physician organization members via their unique Dropbox folders, including refreshed versions of MVC's preoperating testing, sepsis, common condition, and chronic disease management reports. Additionally, MVC and MUSIC worked together on a pair of value-based improvement exercises to assess the impact of MUSIC initiatives on opioid prescription use. One of these exercises focused on the impact of MUSIC's ROCKs initiative on opioid spending following kidney stone surgery, and a second focused on the impact of MUSIC's Michigan Pain-control Optimization Pathway (MPOP) initiative on opioid spending following prostate surgery. MVC also partnered with BMC2, HBOM, and Trinity Health Ann Arbor to co-host the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network Fall 2023 Stakeholder Meeting in November, during which the new MiCR website and other cardiac rehab resources were announced. 

In January, BCBSM will be conducting its 2024 CQI Coordinating Center Survey, which provides an opportunity for members to evaluate the MVC Coordinating Center staff. We value your feedback and thank you in advance for your participation. The MVC Coordinating Center looks forward to continuing its work in 2024 and wishes everyone a happy holiday season and new year!