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MVC, BMC2, HBOM Announce New Cardiac Rehab Materials & Opportunities at MiCR Meeting

MVC, BMC2, HBOM Announce New Cardiac Rehab Materials & Opportunities at MiCR Meeting

In partnership with BMC2 and HBOM, the Michigan Value Collaborative recently co-hosted the Michigan Cardiac Rehab network (MiCR) virtual summer meeting, which brought together providers, quality improvement staff, rehab staff, and patients with a shared interest in improving participation in cardiac rehabilitation. Over 70 attendees from across the state joined the meeting on Aug. 9, where they heard updates from the MiCR leadership, previewed new MiCR resources, and heard from a panel of hospital representatives who discussed their experience using the MiCR NewBeat materials.

NewBeat Success and Re-Orders

One key announcement from the meeting included the launch of a second round for placing NewBeat material print orders [ORDER FORM LINK]. The MiCR team will accept submitted order forms through Tues., Sept. 24. Those who request the free printed materials can either pick them up at the fall in-person MiCR meeting in Midland or have them mailed to an address they designate. Early survey evidence suggests that implementation of the NewBeat program is associated with an increase in confidence across a number of metrics (Figure 1).

Figure 1. NewBeat Survey Results Pre- and Post-Implementation

Speaking to the value of these materials was a panel of representatives from Corewell Health South, Holland Hospital, and Michigan Medicine—three sites who ordered NewBeat materials in the first round at the start of 2024. Each shared their experience using the materials and advice on their integration. HBOM also recorded virtual interviews with the Corewell Health and Holland Hospital site contacts for use in a NewBeat success story video (Figure 2), which was played for the meeting’s attendees.

Figure 2. Implementing NewBeat Feedback Video

Those who wish to place an order for NewBeat materials in the current round will again have the opportunity to request the MiCR patient/provider educational handout (available in English, Spanish, and Arabic), the cardiac rehab liaison postcard, and the cardiac care cards. Some customizations are possible to the handout and postcard design to include local hospital or rehab center contact information. Additionally, there is a new offering included in this round of ordering that was launched at the meeting: a new discharge packet sticker. These new sticker designs (Figures 3 and 4) can be affixed to the outside of a patient’s discharge folder and are meant to stand out to patients and families who are often inundated with discharge paperwork. They alert the patient that their discharge paperwork includes a referral to cardiac rehab as the next step in their care.

Figure 3. NewBeat Sticker Journey Design

Figure 4. NewBeat Sticker Golden Ticket Design

MiCR Mini Grant RFP Opens for Second Round

The summer meeting also included an announcement that MiCR’s mini grant program to fund small, local cardiac rehab quality improvement projects will similarly be re-opened for a second round of submissions. The first round resulted in the funding of projects at MyMichigan Midland, DMC Huron Valley Sinai, and Ascension Rochester. MiCR is accepting new submissions through Fri., Sept. 13 for up to $5,000 per project. Full details on the RFP and application are available on the MiCR website.

MiCR Updates & Meeting Materials

Finally, the MiCR leadership team announced the development of a neutrally-branded, customizable patient education video that can be shared with hospitals or rehab programs to play on their own websites or waiting room monitors. The video was developed in response to feedback from partner sites that online materials need to be improved and that neutral video content about the value of cardiac rehab is limited. MiCR developed a video for use by network partners and also identified several existing videos published by MillionHearts, Mayo Clinic, and others.

The MVC and BMC2 teams are looking forward to the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network's fall in-person meeting on Fri., Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the H Hotel in Midland. MyMichigan is serving as co-host for the event in collaboration with MiCR. Additional event details will be shared in the coming weeks. Those who were unable to attend the summer meeting can view the meeting recording [LINK] or meeting slides [LINK]. Please reach out to info@michigancr.org with any questions.

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Using Human-Centered Design Thinking to Improve Healthcare

Using Human-Centered Design Thinking to Improve Healthcare

At its foundation, healthcare quality improvement is a process of systematically improving care to better meet the needs of patients. Similarly, the concept of human-centered design thinking asks us to put people at the center of processes meant to address problems and improve outcomes. Although people have leveraged the concept of design to develop innovative solutions for centuries, “human-centered design thinking” is a relatively new approach in healthcare settings that is gaining in popularity.

One leader in this space is IDEO, a global design and innovation company; they launched a series of resources and toolkits to implement design thinking into tangible projects and emphasized the mindset behind the theory—the notion that how one thinks about design directly affects the impact of the solution. Through their design kit, IDEO suggests a three-step guide to cultivate a practical and repeatable approach to arriving at innovative solutions: inspiration, ideation, and implementation. IDEO urges professionals to connect with the population they wish to serve to ensure a project’s goals align with the needs of the intended community, and then to generate tangible ideas and solutions to address identified issues. This connection to a specific community puts the individuals they are designing for in the spotlight.

As the use of human-centered design thinking continues to grow, innovators continue to generate different visualizations of the process. Similar to IDEO’s three steps, another popular approach has been the Design Council’s double diamond model. Created to convey the process of design to designers and non-designers alike, this model (Figure 1) highlights a balance between big-picture thinking and detail-oriented refinements while translating ideas into action. This double diamond model was the guiding framework for the development of the Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation network (MiCR) NewBeat materials – a partnership effort between MVC, BMC2, and HBOM (Figure 2). Strategically understanding the perspectives and needs of patients after undergoing a major cardiovascular event was pivotal to the success of the project.

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Leading the NewBeat project was Larrea Young, who works as a multimedia and human-centered design project manager at MCT2D and HBOM. In reflecting back on the success of the cardiac rehab NewBeat project, she said, “One of the first questions we ask people when we talk about design is, what does it mean to design? People’s answers often focus on aesthetics; design makes things pretty or more accessible. While aesthetics is an important aspect of design, it is only one small part. We define design as envisioning and building a preferred future. This is the essence of the human-centered design process, an approach that examines challenges through lenses of aesthetics, culture, society, technology, and economics to define what something should be. In this process, we gain a deep understanding of people’s lived experiences, challenge conventional norms, and pilot innovative solutions. In the realm of healthcare, this process helps us build solutions that contribute holistically to the health and well-being of our providers and patients.”

Further evidence of the value of design thinking can be found in the quality improvement projects that placed critical importance on understanding the population they wished to serve. Many of these also have a heightened focus on patient-centered in the context of social drivers of health. Taking this into account, a number of healthcare initiatives are now incorporating a design thinking framework to ensure the circumstances, needs, and desires of patient populations are understood; and the results are promising.

In another recent study published in JAMA Network, Dr. Alex Peahl and colleagues wanted to determine how prenatal care could be redesigned to improve access and quality for Black pregnant people with low income. Utilizing human-centered design thinking, they interviewed 19 patients and 19 healthcare workers at prenatal care clinics in Detroit, Michigan, focusing on the first two phases of IDEO’s process: inspiration and ideation. In conducting this series of personalized interviews, Dr. Peahl and colleagues not only collected data to prove that current care failed to meet patient needs, but they also gathered ideas from the patient population of ways to redesign prenatal care for pregnant people in the community. By placing the individuals affected by the redesign at the center of a project, the team ensured the solutions they developed would lead to improved outcomes and experiences (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Recently, Dr. Alex Peahl, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan, led the MVC Coordinating Center through a workshop on design thinking. Dr. Peahl outlined its principles, provided personal and professional examples from her work, and facilitated a space for MVC teammates to collaborate and practice design thinking with one another.

As the MVC Coordinating Center looks ahead, design thinking will be incorporated more frequently to improve the quality and impact of MVC offerings. If your team has successfully adopted human-centered design thinking or other patient-centered frameworks that can be shared with peers across the state, please contact MVC.

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MVC Celebrates Heart Month, Annual Cardiac Rehab Week

MVC Celebrates Heart Month, Annual Cardiac Rehab Week

Throughout February’s American Heart Month, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) has and will continue to provide cardiac rehab resources and information on behalf of the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR). This week, MVC also shared content as part of National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, joining other organizations across the country to promote the benefits of the program and share information on statewide initiatives. As cardiac rehab week comes to a close, MVC is proud to highlight recent activity.

The MiCR partnership was established by MVC and the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2), who have partnered in recent years to support quality improvement and innovation around cardiac rehabilitation participation. Although the strategies and initiatives have changed and expanded over time, the key goal remains: to equitably increase cardiac rehabilitation utilization among eligible patients across the state of Michigan. This week, MiCR sought to educate providers within the BMC2 and MVC collaborative about the benefits of the program, current statewide participation rates, and novel initiatives in place to support improvement.

One product highlighted this week was the MiCR cardiac rehab hospital-level push reports, which benchmark cardiac rehabilitation participation across the collaborative. The 2023 report highlighted significant variation in performance and also demonstrated that several hospitals in Michigan are already successfully reaching or exceeding goals for utilization (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Current MiCR resources, including both hospital-level cardiac rehab benchmarking reports and the MiCR Best Practices Toolkit, were designed to serve members in tracking hospital cardiac rehabilitation utilization and provide guidance to improve enrollment and adherence to the program; however, neither resource specifically investigated patient barriers to participation. To bolster successful referrals to cardiac rehabilitation in Michigan, MiCR recently partnered with Healthy Behavior Optimization for Michigan (HBOM) to launch a new program titled NewBeat. Designed to deliver heartfelt, pragmatic support to new cardiac rehabilitation patients, NewBeat is a multi-component intervention designed to address three common barriers to patient enrollment and participation: lack of education, unclear physician endorsements, and transportation access.

To address the first barrier, MiCR recently launched its website, which houses patient and provider-facing resources, MiCR event dates, and publications in one convenient location. The website already includes features such as a cardiac rehabilitation location finder and unified cardiac rehabilitation resources, but over the coming months will continue to expand.

There is research evidence that strong, personal physician referrals increase the likelihood of cardiac rehabilitation participation. For many patients, in fact, a personal referral is the only reason they sign up. Following the data, NewBeat’s second intervention component is its Cardiac Care Cards, which leverage the influence of cardiovascular providers in encouraging cardiac rehabilitation enrollment in a memorable and personal way. The cards, which can be saved and displayed on kitchen tables and refrigerators, serve as a reminder to patients that the care team understands their recovery process and supports them as they enter cardiac rehabilitation as the next step in their recovery (Figure 2). Hospitals and rehab program staff can request on the MiCR website.

Figure 2.

As the initiative continues to develop, NewBeat will grow to include patient success stories, provider-facing videos, and an informational handout on transportation resources.

One of MiCR’s key strategies in promoting the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation is fostering collaboration between providers and program staff. One of these opportunities is through an MVC workgroup series focused on cardiac rehabilitation, with the next session taking place at noon on Thurs., Feb. 22 (Figure 3). The workgroup will include a guest presentation by Devraj Sukul, MD, MSc, Co-Director of MiCR and Associate Director of BMC2 PCI. The presentation will feature recent findings about cardiac rehabilitation liaisons and their impact on patient enrollment. Register here to participate. MiCR also recently sent a save the date for its next stakeholder meeting, which will take place virtually on Fri., April 5, 10-11 a.m.

Figure 3.

MVC would like to thank everyone who contributed to Cardiac Rehabilitation Week this year. Advocating for cardiac rehabilitation continues to be a high priority for the MVC team, and the Coordinating Center is inspired by the recent growth and interest in this endeavor. Collectively, by promoting cardiac rehabilitation we can save lives and help patients in Michigan get back on their feet faster. Please contact the MVC team with any questions about attending future cardiac rehabilitation events or receiving related materials.

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MVC, BMC2 Launch Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network & Toolkit

MVC, BMC2 Launch Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network & Toolkit

This year in the United States, cardiovascular disease will be responsible for one in every four deaths. Despite its prevalence, few cardiac patients eligible for cardiac rehabilitation utilize this life-changing program. In response, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) and the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2) recently established the new Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR) to collaborate on efforts that heighten awareness of these programs and support meaningful improvement in Michigan.

Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is a comprehensive program encompassing supervised exercise, nutrition education, smoking cessation, mental health resources, skills training for heart-healthy lifestyles, and peer support from others who are experiencing a similar life event. It has a Class IA indication for recent cardiac-related events or procedures, meaning there is high-quality evidence that it is beneficial to patients. In fact, individuals who complete the full program of 36 sessions have a 47% lower risk of death and a 31% lower risk of heart attack than those who attend only one session. The evidence is clear that CR extends life and improves quality of life for patients with a recent cardiac-related event or procedure. Unfortunately, only one in three eligible Michiganders participates—a rate well below the Million Hearts nationwide goal of 70% participation.

Using claims data, MVC can assess both initiation and adherence – whether and when someone starts CR, and how long they keep going. There is wide variability in CR rates between MVC’s member hospitals (see Figure 1 for a sample plot from a recent blinded report). The site with the highest rate of cardiac rehab after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), for example, succeeds at sending 75% of their CABG patients to CR, while another only sends 28% of their CABG patients. This variation shows that it is possible to reach high CR rates, and hospitals can learn from each other to make improvements that save lives and reduce costs.

Figure 1. Collaborative-Wide CR Use Following CABG Discharge

MiCR was developed for this reason and will work to equitably increase CR participation for all eligible individuals in Michigan. Serving as Co-Directors of MiCR are Mike Thompson, Co-Director of MVC, and Dr. Devraj Sukul, Associate Director of BMC2 PCI. MiCR will distribute regular CR utilization summaries to relevant providers, convene regular meetings with its stakeholder and advisory groups, create resources that help hospitals and CR facilities optimize CR utilization, and continue to leverage the expertise of both CQIs.

In one of its first coordinated efforts, MiCR worked with CR providers and content experts to create a Cardiac Rehab Best Practices Toolkit, which was launched in April. It outlines initiation, maintenance, and innovation strategies for increasing the utilization of CR (see Figure 2 for a sample page). MVC encourages members to turn to this tool as they work to encourage the enrollment of more patients.

Figure 2. Sample Page from MiCR Best Practices Toolkit

The partner CQIs behind MiCR also released new statewide goals for improved CR utilization. Currently, 30% of patients utilize CR following transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR), coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The first goal is to reach 40% CR utilization for TAVR, SAVR, CABG, PCI, and AMI patients. In addition, only about 3% of congestive heart failure (CHF) patients currently utilize CR. The second statewide goal is a collaborative-wide utilization rate of 10% for CHF patients. Progress on these goals will be shared by MVC in its CR reports sent every six months.

The two CQIs will also continue with their respective activities in the CR space. MVC supports CR participation in two primary ways. One is providing opportunities for MVC members to collaborate, and the second is the preparation of reports using its unique multi-payer data sources. The MVC team supports collaboration through stakeholder meetings and workgroups, which allow sites and clinicians to share solutions for common challenges. The reports MVC prepares analyze member claims data with time-specific hospital-level information on CR enrollment and completed visits within one year of discharge. This allows hospitals to benchmark their performance against peers and identify areas for improvement. MVC will also share unblinded data on CR rates with members at its May semi-annual meeting in one week, which is meant to drive conversation and encourage best practice sharing across the collaborative. The MVC team hopes that its outreach and resources help members to save lives by providing strong endorsements for CR and addressing barriers that may limit patient participation.

For more information on MVC’s CR efforts, visit MVC’s Value Coalition Campaign webpage. For more information about CR, view this MVC video or visit the Million Hearts website. If you have questions about any of the above activities or resources, reach out to the Coordinating Center at michiganvaluecollaborative@gmail.com.