P4P Program Materials
Review materials related to the MVC Component of the BCBSM Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Program, such as cohort lists, technical documents, program updates for various program years, and more.
2024 Annual ReportĀ
A summary of the MVC Coordinating Center's activities and success stories from 2024.
MVC General FAQ
General information about MVC, its data, and who can participate can be found here.
Physician Organization FAQ
Frequently asked questions for our physician organizations can be found here.
Data Guide
The data guide provides information about the MVC data structure, including the specifics of our price standardization and risk adjustment process.
Report Metrics Interpretation Guide
This document is intended to provide definitions for common MVC metrics and terminology.
MVC Regions Map
MVC hospitals and physician organizations are split into four different regions. Members have the ability to compare regions on select registry pages and push reports.
MVC Service Lines and Condition Cohorts 2022
The current MVC service lines and condition cohorts can be found here.
Episode Breakdown
The episode breakdown document contains information on what each specific "bucket" consists of.
Episode of Care Payment Components
The episode of care payment components document explains the specifics located in each part of our four-part episode.