What is Preoperative Testing?

Prior to surgeries, providers often order preop tests to identify clinically significant concerns. This may include tests such as blood work, electrocardiograms, or chest x-rays. However, research evidence shows that preoperative testing, especially prior to low-risk, outpatient surgical procedures, often provides no clinical benefits and may even cause harm. Despite this, these services continue to be ordered at unnecessary rates.

MVC’s preoperative testing value-based improvement initiative helps increase the rate of patients receiving appropriate preoperative testing in Michigan by giving providers tools to improve, peer learning opportunities, utilization data, and pay-for-performance incentives.

False alarms from preoperative tests can delay surgeries, creating additional burdens for patients and surgeons.
Preoperative testing can lead to a treatment cascade if non-significant abnormal results are detected. These additional tests or invasive procedures may cause real patient harm.
Preoperative testing is estimated to cost the United States $18 billion annually, and preoperative payments totaled over $3.7 million in Michigan in 2018 according to MVC claims data.

MVC recently partnered with MPrOVE, MSQC, and ASPIRE to establish RITE-Size, an initiative working to help hospitals reduce low-value preoperative testing before low-risk, elective procedures.


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Available for download:

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Preop Testing Flyer

For more resources and information on the importance of encouraging appropriate rates of preop testing, visit the RITE-Size website.

Choosing Wisely Resource Library

The goal of the ABIM Foundation’s Choosing Wisely campaign was to spark conversations between clinicians and patients about what tests, treatments, and procedures are needed – and which ones are not.

MVC Preoperative Testing Code List

CPT Codes for MVC Preoperative Testing Definitions

MVC Preoperative Testing Blinded Report

In partnership with MSQC, MVC developed a preoperative testing report to evaluate testing rates across the state of Michigan for three low-risk procedures.